Thursday, 23 October 2008

Year 10 GCSE PE - Training Methods

As we start our next module on Training methods, we are going to ask you to reflect on the Cardiovascluar Fitness session this week.

You did three sessions:-

1. Fartlek Training -

'Speed play': Changing Speed, distances and times of excercise with rests in the same session.

2. Interval Training -

'Mixing periods of hard exercise with rest periods'.

3. Continuous Training -

Aerobic exercise at a moderate to high level with no rests lasting for a sustained period of time.

Answer the series of questions to log how you felt about each session and how they will improve performance.

1. What happened to the body as soon as you started to exercise?

Talk about breathing rate, heart rate and body temperature.

2. Why did these things happen?

3. Which session was harder - The steep hill circuit or gradual incline with jog back recovery?

Why was it harder?

4. Which session do you think would suit your preparation for competition?


5. Why do you think you're body wanted to stop?

6. Why do you think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult?

Type your answers straight in to the text box opposite. Don't forget to put your name on your work and click 'anonymous' or you're work will not be sent to us!!


Monday, 20 October 2008

A2 Scientific Principles

The title of your essay is:-

'Identify the link between motor units, motor neural firing patterns and the sliding filament theory.'

Compare the energy systems used in team, racket and individual sports to illustrate your answer.

The deadline for you essay is Monday 3rd November.

If you have any questions or aspects you are not sure about please raise them so you are in a position to provide the best answer possible.

Friday, 17 October 2008

AS Unit 1: Structure of sport in the UK and Europe - Exam questions

As we begin our Local and National project it is important you understand that your research will also be useful in answering questions in the exam.

Complete the questions and place your answers directly into the blog.

Please see me if you are unclear in any of the areas.

1) Explain what is meant by 'Sport for all'. Describe the benefits 'Sport for All' programmes. (5 marks)

2) Describe three basic requirements necessary in order to participate in sport and recreation. (3 marks)

3) Participation in sport is affected by social influences. Using one disadvantaged group as an example what is meant by access, opportunity, provision and esteem when applied to participation in sport. (5 marks)

4) Outline reformative policies that have been used to increase participation of disadvantaged groups. (3 marks)

5) At local level, sports clubs are the basic unit of sports administration. Describe how amateur sport clubs are organised and funded. (5 marks)

AS Unit 1: Structure of sport in the UK and Europe - Exam questions

As we continue to prepare for the Local and National project it is important you understand that your research will also be useful in answering questions in the exam.

Complete the questions and place your answers directly into the blog.
Please see me if you are unclear in any of the areas.

1) To achieve excellence in sport, a high level of commitment, resources and expertise is necessary. Explain these three conditions, using illustrations from your own experience in a sport. (3 marks)

2) Suggest three ways that a games club might be elitist. (3 marks)

3) There are only a limited number of sports schools in England and Wales compared with certain continental countries. Give three advantages and three disadvantages likely to be experienced at an existing residential school of excellence in association football or gymnastics. (6 marks)

4) The National Coaching Foundation (now sports coach UK) was set up by the Sports Council in 1983. Briefly describe the work of sports coach UK. (3 marks)

5) Explain the TOP sport project in the context of the Major Initiative. (4 marks)

6) The UK has been largely responsible for the development of racket games throughout the world. Why is Britain still not producing many performers of an international standard in tennis? (6 marks)

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

AS PE - Olympic Games Preparation Notes

As we progress through the Olympic Games, you will need to understand the following term:-

  • Shop Window
  • Boycott
  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy
  • Reconciliation
  • Porpaganda
  • Corruption
  • Systemic Protest
  • Non-systemic protest.

You will need to:-

i) Define each keyword
ii) Find examples from within the Olympic games to illustrate your point.

Deadline - WEDNESDAY 15th October 2008

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Year 10 GCSE PE - Health Related Fitness; Homework 1

Health Related Exercise can be divided into 5 components or parts. These are:-

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
2. Muscular Endurance
3. Muscular Strength
4. Body Composition
5. Flexibility

For each of the components please find:-
i. Find out what each one means - Definition
ii. Give a brief explanation and example for each of the components.
Put your answers straight into this blog so that we can discuss them next lesson.
DEADLINE:- Tuesday 7th October 2008 - Period 4
If you need help just leave a message on the blog!
(Dont forget to set up an account or just click anon. button and add your name to entry)