1. Reasons for taking part in physical activity
Social, mental and physical reasons
Definitions of :-
- Health
- Peformance
- Exercise
- Fitness
2. Five components of Health-Related Exercise -
- Cardiovascular Fitness
- Muscular Endurance
- Muscular Strength
- Flexibility
- Body Composition
3. Six Components of Skill Related fitness
- Speed
- Reaction Time
- Power
- Agility
- Co-ordination
- Balance
4. Principles of training
- Specificity
- Progression
- Overload
- Reversibilty
- Type
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Time
- Type
You will need to say what they are, what they mean and give sporting examples to show us what you think it means.
For example,
Agility is - The ability to move quickly and accurately.
Examples of this would be:-
A Tennis player changing direction to return a forehand
A Footballer dribbling with the ball to outwit an opponent
A High-Jumper clearing the bar
The test will last for 30 minutes and will be worth a total of 40 marks to the assessment of this module.
Please see you're teacher if you need more help.