Exam Preperation
Due Thursday 6/12/07
To help with your revision and understanding of the theory please write a comment on the work you have done on Health Related Exercise.
Use the three questions to help you think about your strengths and areas for development.
1. What do you understand so far?
2. How confident are you that you will remember the class work in a test or exam?
3. What area's do you think you might want extra help with?
Try to be specific with what you don’t understand. I can then give you extra help but I need to know what you find difficult.
An example of what you could write is shown below:
“Strengths – I am happy with my knowledge regarding the definitions of HRE and SRF. I can remember the definitions for health, fitness, performance and the other areas.
I need to develop my understanding in the area of principles of training. I need to learn what each principle means and how it relates to a sport. I also need to remember the threshold of training values and how they relate to aerobic and anaerobic activities.”
Leave a comment here or come and see me if you have any questions.
Good luck!
My strenghs are the main components of skill related fitness and i can define the key terms of HRE and also i know the 5 principles of training.
Im not very confident that i will remember many things from class only the things that i really took in.
the main thing that i will need help with is the different types of training e.g what training method would be best for a ice hockey team.
Hi Sir
I havent been in class for a week or so and id like to learn more about training methods and the links to diffrent sport's
By Ali Kahyalar
my strenghts are the definions of FITT and SPORT and there meanings also the key terms of hre e.g performce.my weaknesses are what types of training a certain person doing a certain sport will need eg a football player
my strengths are sport the 5 principles of training what anaroebic and arroebic means the 5 S's. my weakness is the names and meanings of the training methods
Sir i would say that my strengths are sefinately knowing the definitions of HRE and HRF so i feel confident in that subject and i feel that im strong in linking trainign methods and (POT)to particular sports.
I think where i will lack the same confidence is when it comes to individual usubjects such as how would you benefit from a certain type of training even tho i know them it some times skips my mind. Jack
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