Monday, 12 November 2007

Personal Exercise Plan -A2 Students only

We are nearly half way through the PEP so you will have some testing to do over the next couple of weeks.

As a way assessing your progress and to see what you have been doing I would like to know:-

1) How your training has been going.
2) Have you noticed any improvement in your performance?
3) What problems are you having completing the planning of the PEP?
4) Share any sessions which can be used by others in the group.

Please use the links to access the criteria you will be assessed on and also a powerpoint outlining what you need to do to complete the PEP succesfully.


Kimberley said...

I thought that i was on top of my course work, then sir gave that lesson on the PEPs and i realised i was not. Thank you for mentioning things i can do ot improve my PEP. Thank you sir.

Kimberley said...

My PEP is comming along fine, but i just need to vary the exercises i am completeing, so as to not bore me to death.

Kimberley said...

My test results show that i need to work on some areas more than others, i am using my tests result to plan the next week however my free time is rapidly dimishing due to tests and course work.

Mr Ibrahim said...

Well done Kim. All of your hard work has been noted. You have a couple of weeks left before you finish the PEP.

Do not try to complete it at a cost. You can explain to the moderator that you have built in time for revision - you can pick up areas for development after christmas.

You are doing gret. Keep it going....

Kimberley said...

On the last week of my PEP and have moved my final tests to friday to get the most out of my last week. Is friday free for a short while to complete a bleep test and a sit and reach?

Kimberley said...

My results show an increase then a decrease in tests. This is due to the decreasing amount of free time and i am unable to perform as many exercises as i did at the begining of the project. I am now working on specific areas of my PEP to improve, to by belief, the most important area.

Mr Ibrahim said...

Kim, we can schedule in a time to get the final round of testing in next week. The best time will be the last wednesday before we break up for xams - period 3....come prepared!

Anonymous said...

I am Redoing my 12 weeks training, starting from the 07/01/08. This gives me enough time to finish the 12 weeks correct any changes and complete the evaluation. Sir, what was the addition information that you wanted us to add into our PEPs? Was it something to do with EPOC? i don't understand how to add this into my PEP.

Mr Ibrahim said...


EPOC is the same as oygen debt. Look up areas of recovery and how you plan to incorporate specific ways to overcome oxygen debt and lactic acid removal in an attempt to avoid DOMS.

Send me a message if you need help.