Unit 1 - Planning, preparing and assisting a simple sporting activity
Please comment on the following areas and explain :-
1. What did you do to make sure that you planned and structured the lesson in the right way?
2. Where did you go to research your information?
3. How did your teacher/friends help in preparing and planning the session?
4. Did you think about the health and safety involved in your lesson?
5. How was the lesson? What went well? What would you different next time?
6. Any other comments.
The following pages will give you the chance to think about a topic you are currently covering in your lessons. Add comments and thoughts about what you understand. Post questions if you are not sure and we will get back to you with ideas on how to improve your subject knowledge.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
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1) I made sure that i was organised and the kids were always occupied. I made sure that the lesson slowly progressed through several different activitys all of which were linked in some way, mostly through netball.
2) I researched my information mostly by observation. I looked at my peers and used certain aspects of their teaching skills in my lesson. Also i used prior knowledge and personal experience to plan and teach my lesson.
3) I used my teacher and friends as role models for being a teacher. I took things from their teaching skills and put them into my lesson. This included certain games such as "gruffalo". Also i planned one lesson with 3 of my friends. Our combined input helped to make it a success as we all brought different ideas to the lesson.
4) Health and safety was not something i considered much in my lessons. This was mostly because my lessons did not involve anything very dangerous, and anything that could've caused harm to the students was simply common knowledge to avoid.
5) I feel that my lesson was an overall success. The kids i taught found it engaging and interesting. Havign said this i would prepare more advanced and organised games in my next lesson.
Christen Chukwuma-Brown
1. I planned and structured my lesson the right way by following the basic outline of the sheet with help of my previous experiences.
2. For my research i asked older people in my family who had previously taught for advice along with my prior knowledge.
3. My teacher helped preparing the lesson by eqquiping me with the correct equipment.
4. Yes. I did this by judging the students age and cpabilities, not giving them anything to hard to do e.g lifting heavy weights. I also changed the equipment to something more apprpriate for my age group. Starting with something user friendly and then making it harder.
It's Jake Walerius here .hello.
1.To make sure i planned my lesson in the right way i broke the lesson down into 3 parts. The warm up. a starter game and progression and a final main activity. I focussed on a few main points like movement and passing which i tried to incorporate in all my activities aswell as trying to incorporate Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.
2. I got a lot of information from my lessons with Mr. Ibrahim and also by watching other students teached. This helped me to see what i needed to do to have a succesful lesson and what i would change to make the lesson better.
3.My teacher helped me by showing me a variety of games which icould use or develop for my lesson. I was also taught that when planning my lesson it was better to start from the end and work to the beggining which helped the structure of my lesson. When planning my games i was able to speak to my friends and they could offfer advice on what they thought would improve the games.
4. I din't think about health and sefety when i was planning my lesson, but when i had finished making my lesson i identified that there were no real safety risk and i wouldn't have to take any extra percautions.
5.I think the lesson went well, but i needed to keep track of the length of activities because i ended up not having long enough on the final activity. I also thought i would of had more pupils but which would of made it easier but i thought a adjusted well and made the necessary changes. If i did it again i would set up the seperate activities quicker so the lesson would keep moving along and the students would always be active.
6.I think i need to develop my explanations of how the games work and make it clearer to avoid confusion.
Roman Thome-Stamegna
1. I focused on what others did well in the past weeks and worked with that, also thought about how i as a young child would have thought a good and enjoyable lesson would be structured.
2. well i guess i researched at school PE lessons and from my PE teachers. for example the last PE lesson we had we learnt about balance, agility and coordination.
3. William and i had a PE spidergram of the activities that could take place in the lesson.
4. Yes, for example i brought in a big rope for tug-of-war but i realised that it would give rope burn and if one of the teams let go people could get injured.
5. well people seemed to have fun, they liked the activies i planned. but next time i wouldnt have so many beggining games so we could have a longer period of time for the main game.
6. No comment
Jack Goldberg
1. To make sure i planned the lesson effectively and structured the lesson in the right way i used the grid we were given to ensure i had all the right elements to a good lesson and one that will be enjoyable and something students can learn from.
2. I didnt exactly research a information but i planned the lesson on a basis that is simple but effective. I did this by using past experience and my own personal veiw "would i like the lesson." The infomation i've learnt in GCSE classes and JSLA to apply ABC to the warm up and link activities.
3.The taught information from classes helped as i knew what aspects i needed to use and how it would make a good lesson. Past experience from what i have and my friends have enjoyed in lessons let me know what i can and cant do in the lesson.
4.Yes, you cant do a successful lesson without thinking about health and safty as it can also narrow down your options of what to do in the lesson.
E.g. In my end game i wanted to combine communication/thinking with ball related skills. So keep it slower at the start and speed it up makes sure the students understand it and keeps it safe.
5.I thought the lesson went well in the sense that all the activities i panned and the activities individualy went well because the focus points were concentrated on. I thought that sometimes it was abit static and so i would encorporate a more athletic approach in to it.
Hi sir, jack o here.
1) i made sure i took my time in making the plan going over checking it and improving it bit by bit.
2) i got most of my ideas from the teachers and how they planned out the lessons at school, but i also got some of my ideas from teaching out of school.
3) once i had got a full lesson planned out i would check it with a number of people to see if it could be improved even more.
4) yes especially when i am teaching younger kids if the plaground or work place is slippery or rocky.
5) the lesson turned out to be prety good, i would try to improve the games that i did make them longer and try to involve more than a couple of kids in one game.
One. When I was planning my lesson, I made sure it was planned and structured the right way by watering down a session of my football coachs.
Two. I didn't really do any research, i just used my own knowledge.
Three. My Friends or teacher didnt help me in my preparation.
Four. I slightly thought about Health && Safety but not really.
I Haven't Held a lesson yet, so i cant complete the other Questions.
Dylan Reilly
William Osei-Bonsu
1.In my opinion i think that i evaluated the lesson of others in the prior weeks and took there good points and use this for my sturucture.
2. I reasearched my lesson from the prior theory lesson that we had been given the weeks before.In this lesson i learnt several key components such Agility Balance and Co Ordination.
3.Roman and i had a PE Brainstorm prior to are lesson about the certian activites we could do in this lesson
4.No I didnt Because the weather conditions were perfect and the people who were in my Group were capable of doing the actvity safely.
5.I think the lesson was very satisfying because of the activities and the joy that was on the pupils faces.I think i would of made my activity less gruelling if i had to do it again.
1. i made sure i planned and structured my lesson in the right way by using other ideas and experiences.
2.i researched my infomation by using blogspot and other peers ideas.
3.my friends inspiered me and helped with new ideas.
4.i had to think about health and safety when working with young children.
alex mackintosh
UMar Hegarty ere Ibo, hello.
1.To make sure that i planned and structured the lesson in the right way, i had to prepare a lesoon plan, including all of the vital components. This included; knowing all of the equipment needed, i made sure that i followed the plan , making sure that the lesson would be interesting by incorporating A.B.C(Agility, Balance & Coordination) into my lesson.
2. To get my information i used many methods of researching. This included: Asking and learing from my teacher, askng my friends, using the internet and using my own prior knowledge.
3.Both my teacher and my friends helped in preparing for the lesson, as they helped me to decide the best equipment and help to better the lesson by adding and incorporate more, mostly relative, ideas , skills and games.
4.When planning and performing my lesson, health and safety and safety didnt really cross my mind, however, although health and safety is an important matter, it didnt generally play a major role in my lesson as basically all components had been covered.
5.The lesson went well as almost all students in the class were well behaved and followed instructions first time. The lesson went smoothly and i and hopefully the others, enjoye it. Next time i would have a bigger group and use a wider variety of equipment.
Aaron Morris
1) Firstly, We Had To Make The Lesson The Right Amount Of Time So It Does Not Go Under Or Over Time. We Had To Have A Early Activity , Progression And At The End A Game, We Then Decided What These Activity's Would Be.
Whhar Gwan, Its Jesse Waller Lassen, Dun know.
One. I made sure i used my basic lesson plan sheet and my previous experiences with coaching and taking my own JSLA group to help with the laying out and organisation.
Two. Well, i got most of my information from previous experiences. I also got alot of my knowledge from observing previous lessons, and from the JSLA classes.
Three. Well Me, Aaron and Charlie did the lesson plan, with help from Mr. Hopper, as he provided the lesson sheet. Patrick also did the lesson with us, the variety of people that helped contributed to the different ideas, drills and games that we used in our lesson.
Four. Yes, i did think about the health and safety in the lesson, especially with the people who were not so good with football, but otherwise i didnt think there was too muchy of an issue.
Tashan Powell
1. I planned and structured my lesson the right way by following the sheet i was given i uesd this with my previous experience and knowlege.
2. For my research i checked information on the net asked people in my family and asked the advice f my peers.
3. My teacher helped preparing the lesson by giving me the correct equipment to aid me in my lesson and my partner helped set out the equipment so there was no time wasted
4. Yes.I did this by having people taking it in turns to do the activity so that i could concentrate on the person doing the using equipment. I also gave people the apporiate eqipment for their age and levels
Dalvin Macauley
1) I planned and structured the lesson the right way, i followed the planning sheet that i was given and always kept the kids occupied.
2)For my research i observed other lessons for information for my lesson. I also used personal experience for the planning and teaching of my lesson.
3)My teacher and my friends helped me prepare more my lesson and provided me with equipment for it.
4)Yes i did think about the health and safety involved in my lesson i avoided my lesson from being dangerous by not adding any game that were too hard and adding equipment that was too heavy.My lesson stared off easy and progressed on to be harder.
Reynolds Twumasi
1) I used the planning sheet and what i did in the previous jsla lessons to plan and structure the lesson.
2) I got my information from lessons that i had done before and from my PE teachers and freinds.
3) my teacher provided me with the equipment and my freinds gave me ideas for the lesson.
4) I thought about health and safety in my lesson by not putting anything dangerous in my game.
Unit 1
1)I made sure I was prepared for the lesson, planing and structuring it around the grid we were given.
2)I got most of my information from my previous knowledge of cricket. I adapted drills that teachers and coaches have taught me.
3) I used them as role models. I used techniques from there lessons and adapted them in my own forms.
Callum Foy
Tom Bacon
1.i used a lesson planner and sought advice from my teacher, James Hopper1.
2.I used the internet and knowledge from various p.e teachers to gain advice on my lesson
3. Me and my teaching group filled out a group session plan and carefully discussed our plan for the lesson. I also used techniques i have picked up from my various p.e teachers.
4. Health and Safety were considered in our lesson, however we made sure our games were 100% safe so we did not have injuries.
5. i thought my lesson went well. We covered all the key teaching points and developed it well. However the weather did not help, it was very wet. Next time i would use a better game and expand the skill more.
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