Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Year 10 GCSE PE - Health Related Fitness; Homework 1

Health Related Exercise can be divided into 5 components or parts. These are:-

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
2. Muscular Endurance
3. Muscular Strength
4. Body Composition
5. Flexibility

For each of the components please find:-
i. Find out what each one means - Definition
ii. Give a brief explanation and example for each of the components.
Put your answers straight into this blog so that we can discuss them next lesson.
DEADLINE:- Tuesday 7th October 2008 - Period 4
If you need help just leave a message on the blog!
(Dont forget to set up an account or just click anon. button and add your name to entry)


Anonymous said...

sam gaffney

muscular endurancwe-. how much your muscle can withstand
muscular strenth- how strong your muscles are
cadiovascular- how healthy your heart is
flexibility-range of movement around the joint
body composition-what your body is made of

Anonymous said...

Health related fitness

Body composition= body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. Tissue and fat tissue takes up a lot of space in our bodies.

Cardio-vascular= Cardiovascular fitness is a form of muscular endurance. It is the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and vascular system in delivering oxygen to the working muscle tissues so that u can keep going on what your task is.

Muscular strength= The ability of your body's muscle to make a force in a short period of time. This type of activity relies an energy allowing you the short burst of energy you need to lift a heavy weight. When you increase your strength, you’re often also increasing the size of your muscles as well as strengthening your tissues. This can help avoid injuries and make you stronger and healthier.

Flexibility= Flexibility is when your joints stretch so they can go further and u can do didn’t things like if you’re flexibility u can do things like flips and stuff like that but if you are not flexible u cant.

Muscular endurance= Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

Charlie Lemmon

Anonymous said...

George Nash

Cardiovascular fitness is the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and vascular system of delivering oxygen to a working muscle.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

Muscular Strength is the ability of your body's muscle to generate force in a short period of time.

Body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies.

Flexibility is the range of movement in a joint and muscles that is attainable in a momentary effort.

Anonymous said...

chris cardiovascular fitness is when your body allows blood tov get to parts of your body and keep going for longer
muscular strength is when someone can combine speed and strength someone with stronger mucsles can kick harder lift more weight
muscular endurance your body can work muscles longer without tiring as quickly
flexibility is when your joints are able to srecth mor without picking up a injury
body composition the shape of your body for example big fast strong football rugby

Anonymous said...

ondre roach
p.e coursework

cardiovascular fitness refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body cardiovascular fitness is mostly working out your heart and lungs, usually endurance type exercises many types of exercise are aerobic such as: Running
Swimming ect…

Cardiovascular exercises mostly use the act of endurance to get your fitness level up and to get your heart healthy.

Muscular endurance keeps you in shape and in the progress of muscular endurance you gain body mass such e.g. muscles this includes the act of strength exercises such as:


In muscular endurance you have to build your body class by doing some of the activities listed above and muscular endurance comes with a saying ( no pain no gain)

Muscular strength is related to my answer or muscular endurance but the sports are different in which you participate with and in thesse sports you have to be quick on your feet so it would be better in most of these sports if your weight class was low these are the muscular strength sports:


Body composition?

Flexibility is a range of movement in a joint or series of joints and muscles that is in a series of movements on the human body t. It is for someone with the ability to easily bend themselves into another human position However, in various professional fields, more precise terms are used.
Flexibility is most needed for sports like gymnastics

Anonymous said...


cardiovascular fitness: is when your body alows blood to get to get to parts of your body and keep going for longer.

muscular strength: is when someone can combind speed and strength, someone with stonger musles can kick hard and lift heavyer weights.

muscular endurance: is when your body can work musles longer without tiering or loosing energy quicker as quikly.

flexerbility is when your joints are abel to stretch more without picking up an injury/

body compasition: is the shape of your body for example big, fast, strong football, rugby

Anonymous said...


Cardiovascular Fitness: Is when your body allows blood to get to parts of your body and keep going for longer
Muscular Strength: Is when someone can combined speed woth strength, can lift more weight,kick harder
Muscular endurance: Is when your body can work muscles longer without tireing or loosing energy as quickly
Flexerbility: Is when your joints are able to stretch more without picking up an injury
Body Compasition: Is the shape of your body for example big , fast etc ...

Anonymous said...

cairon forde

cardiovascular fitness - the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time, this is dependent on the finess of the heart, blood and blood vessels

muscular endurance - the ability to use voluntary muscles, over the long perids of time without geting tired

muscular strength - the amount of force a muscle can exert against a esistance in one attempt

body composition - the propotion of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone, normally measured as a percentage

flexibilty - joint's ability to move to their full range

Anonymous said...

rick constantinou

Cardiovascular fitness - the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time, this is dependent on the fitness of the heart, blood and blood vessels.

muscular endurance - the ability to use voluntary muscles, over the long periods of time without getting tired.

muscular strength - the amount of force a muscle can exert against a esistance in one attemt.

body composition - the propotion of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone, normally measured as a percentage.

flexibility - joint's ability to move to their full range.

Anonymous said...

Cardiovascular fitness is a form of muscular endurance. It is the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and vascular system in delivering oxygen to the muscles so physical work can be maintained. (running)

Muscular endurance is determined by how well your slow twitch muscle fibers are developed. it is also a measure of how long you can use your muscles for.(weight training)

body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in the human body.

The ability of your body's muscle to generate force in a short period of time. sprinting

flexibilityis the range of movement in your joints. (gymnastics)

Anonymous said...

paul turney

cardiovascular fitness:
The cardiovascular system allows the blood to go to the right parts of the body.

muscular strength:
The more muscular strength you have the more speed and power you can use.

muscular enddurance:
you can gain more stmaina.

you can move your joints further.

body composition:
The proportion of body weight that is fat.

Anonymous said...

sparrow knox

cardiovascular fitness.
for efficent movement and gets blood to essesary parts of the body.
mucular strenth
to over power you oppenent.having poor strenth may prevent a player shooting or fighting back as hard.
mucular endurance.
is essental or long dictance events like 10,000 and the body is able to keep working hard .
when your joints are working good .gymnasts have to be very flexible as do many other sports.
body composttion.
makes you more suitable for many sports eg. tall for basket ball or short for a horse joccy.

Anonymous said...


Cardiovascular fitness: This particular exice allows parts of your body to grageuly carry on this will also help you to puuss and do the exercise longer.

Muscular endurnce: This will help carry on long distance exercise this helps the body to work for long ang keep up paste with easier more chance of winning.

strength: This helps to have stronger arms and bodie and over power n opponent it can also helo to swing bats (BASEBALL TENNIS) and help with fighting (BOXING MARTIAL ARTS).

Body composition: This sets ur body and muslces in the right place to the exercis more easily.

Flexibility: helps to prevent more injurty and do tasks alot more easier it helps to feel more comfourtable in the body.

Anonymous said...

Davoud Qauyumi

cardiovascular fitness:

this excersize allows the blood to travel around the whole bodyin order that the body can meet the extra demands of exercise.

Muscular streanth:

muscular streanth is the musles all around the boady

Muscluare endurance

muscluare endurance is used for long disstance.


flexibility is used for gyumnastis it allows you to move all parts of your boady.

Boady composition
this teast the way your boady move and the its shaped

boady fat
boady fat is flabe ands fat.

Anonymous said...


cardiovasclar fitness:
the cardiovasclar system alowes the blood to go to the right place of the body.

Muscular strenth:

the more muscular strenth u have the more speed and power you have in your body.

Muscular endurance:
is essential for long-distance events.

when your joints move to the full range.

Body composition:
the proportion of blod waight that is fat, muscle and bone, normally measured as percentage

Anonymous said...


cardiovasclar fitness:
the cardiovasclar system alowes the blood to go to the right place of the body.

Muscular strenth:

the more muscular strenth u have the more speed and power you have in your body.

Muscular endurance:
is essential for long-distance events.

when your joints move to the full range.

Body composition:
the proportion of blod waight that is fat, muscle and bone, normally measured as percentage

Anonymous said...

engin hws

Cardiovascular fitness for health haert, blood and blood vessels. the activity is a lifestyle a person can leod dipend on the condittion of these.and the movement efficent and gets blood to essesary part of the body.

is a movement at a joint to its fully rang,with regular practice the joiny can ger nearer to thir maximum rang movement.

is how the body is made up in terms of bone, muscle and fat the percentase of fat and muscle can be structure gose us our build

Muscular Strength
is itdeft can be used to over power on opponent. A player who can combine strength with speed can create power , which is especially useful when playing a forehand drive down the line in tennis.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is essential for long distance events such as 10 000 racing.

Anonymous said...


cardiovascler fitness.
cardiovascler system good for effient transportration of blood to meet the extra demands of exercies.

muscleuar strength.
muscleuar strength,in itse,can be used to over-power on an a opponemt.
haveing a poor strength may prenrmet a player shooting with the required omout of the power to beat a goalkeeper.

musleuar endurance.
muscleuar endurance is essential for long distance enemts such as 10.000m raceing .

Anonymous said...


cardiovascular fitness relies on a healthy heart blood and blood vessels how active a lifestyle a person can lead depens on the condition of these.

flexibility is movement at a joint to its fullest range.with regular practice the joints can get nearer to their maximum range of movement.

body compostion is how the body is made up in terms of bone muscle and fat.the percentage of fat and muscle can be changed according to diet and exercise bone structure gives us our build.

muscular strength can be seen in a person who can lift heavy weights strength is defined as the ability to lift a maximum weight in one attempt.

muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to move weight over a long period without tiring and losing effectvesness.

Anonymous said...

Ellie Lloyd-Smith

Cardiovascular fitness-refers to the ability of your heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport and utilize oxygen eg. aerobic training

muscular endurance-the ability of the muscles to move weight over a long period of time without tiring or losing effectiveness eg. running

muscular stregnth-the ability of your body's muscle to generate force in a short period of time eg. powerlifting

Fexibility-A person's flexibility refers to the ability of your joints to move through a full range of motion. eg. gymnastics

Body composition-how the body is made in terms of bone, muscle and fat eg. rugby

Anonymous said...

ellie t - not sure if this is the right h/w 4 jsla ..?

Cardiovascular fitness is a special form of muscular endurance. It is the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and vascular system in delivering oxygen to the working muscle tissues so that prolonged physical work can be maintained.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

Muscular Strength is defined by the ability of your body's muscle to generate force in a short period of time.

body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. Tissue and fat tissue takes up a lot of space in our bodies.

Flexibility is the ability to move joints and muscles through their full range of motion, which increases blood circulation.