As we start our next module on Training methods, we are going to ask you to reflect on the Cardiovascluar Fitness session this week.
You did three sessions:-
1. Fartlek Training -
'Speed play': Changing Speed, distances and times of excercise with rests in the same session.
2. Interval Training -
'Mixing periods of hard exercise with rest periods'.
3. Continuous Training -
Aerobic exercise at a moderate to high level with no rests lasting for a sustained period of time.
Answer the series of questions to log how you felt about each session and how they will improve performance.
1. What happened to the body as soon as you started to exercise?
Talk about breathing rate, heart rate and body temperature.
2. Why did these things happen?
3. Which session was harder - The steep hill circuit or gradual incline with jog back recovery?
Why was it harder?
4. Which session do you think would suit your preparation for competition?
5. Why do you think you're body wanted to stop?
6. Why do you think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult?
You did three sessions:-
1. Fartlek Training -
'Speed play': Changing Speed, distances and times of excercise with rests in the same session.
2. Interval Training -
'Mixing periods of hard exercise with rest periods'.
3. Continuous Training -
Aerobic exercise at a moderate to high level with no rests lasting for a sustained period of time.
Answer the series of questions to log how you felt about each session and how they will improve performance.
1. What happened to the body as soon as you started to exercise?
Talk about breathing rate, heart rate and body temperature.
2. Why did these things happen?
3. Which session was harder - The steep hill circuit or gradual incline with jog back recovery?
Why was it harder?
4. Which session do you think would suit your preparation for competition?
5. Why do you think you're body wanted to stop?
6. Why do you think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult?
Type your answers straight in to the text box opposite. Don't forget to put your name on your work and click 'anonymous' or you're work will not be sent to us!!
rick constantinou
1. It was harder to breath, my blood was pumping faster so this meant that my heart was beating faster, due to this my body temperature increased so it became hotter.
2. This happened because it was a steep hill so you needed more energy to push yourself up.
3. The harder session was the steep hill because you needed more energy to push up the hill and it wasn't a full step. On the gradual circuit we had a longer recovery and we were able to travel futher since it wasn't a steep hill.
4. The gradual circuit would suit my preparation and competition because i was able to sprint without getting tired and i had a recovery to replenish my health.
5. The body wanted to stop because i wasn't used to the intense training so my legs were tired quicker.
6. An untrained person would find the two sessions difficult because it is harder to sprint the hill with a shorter recovery and the gradual incline with jog recovery would be harder because you are unable to stop running.
1. As soon as I began to exercise my heart rate increased, as did my body temperature and breathing rate.
2. The reason for my heart rate increasing is that more blood is neede to be pumped around my body to the muscles. My body temperature going up was the energy energy being released-I sweat to stay cool. And finally, my breathing rate went up so that I could take in more oxygen to supply my muscles with.
3. For me, the gradual incline with jog recovery, was harder becuase it was after doing steep hill circuit and my body was beginning to get tired.
4. I think the hill sprints would suit my preperation for a rugby match, as it builds up leg muscles such as my quadriceps and hamstings. This is what I need to be quick of my feet from a standing start, fast and a powerful runner.
5. The reason for my body wanting to give up is the lactic acid build up in my legs.
6. An untrained person would find it hard becuase they maye do not have a strong a heart which developes from regualr exercise.
Louis Attfield
1. As I began to exercise, my heart rate, breathing rate and body temperature all increased.
2. The reason my heart rate increased was so it could supply my muscles with the oxygen needed. My breathing rate increased so that I could take in more oxygen. My body temperature increasing was the result of energy being released.
3. For me, the gradual incline with jog recovery was hardest of all because it was after the steep hill circuit and I was beginning to tire.
4. The hill sprints would probably best prepare me for, in my case, a rugby match. This is because it builds up my leg muscles such as quadriceps and hamstrings. This makes me quicker from a dead start, increases my top speed and makes me a more powerful runner.
5. My body wanted to stop because of the pain from lactic acid build up in my thighs and calves.
6. An untrained person may find the two sessions more challenging because it requires a strong heart and powerful legs which can only be acquired from regular exercise.
Louis Attfield
Mr Keough,
i accidently posted two comments because i didn't realize taht you had to approve it. i thought it had been deleted, so they are both different. sorry
1.My breathing rate increased because it was supplying my muscles with more oxygen.My heart rate increased to get more fuel and oxygen to my muscles more quickly. Depending on how hard you are exercising, your heart will speed up accordingly to give your muscles the power to keep going.My body temputure increased.
3.I thought that the gradual incline was harder beause we continued non-stop for 5 mins where as when we did the steep hill circuit we had many intervals.
4.I think that the gradual incline would best suit my preperation time for a competition as it is a slower speed then the steep hill circuit.If i were to do a steep hill circuit before a competition i think i would have used most of my energy.
5.I think that my body wanted to stop during exercise because it got tierd and i had to push harder to keep going which took alot of energy.
6.I think that an untrained person would find the two sessions diffucult because their bodies are not use to running up hill or for a long period of time.
Joel Brittain.
1)when you start exercising your body temperature gets hoter your breathing increases and your heart rate increases.
2)yourheart rate increases because your musles need more blood toproduce energy. your breathing increases because your blood needs more oxygen to carrie to the musles
3)i found that the steep hill circuit was harder because it put more strain on my musles.
4)i think that the steep hill circuit best suited my preporation for compertition because i play rugby and in rugby you have to run at different spped like we did in the steep hill circuit.
5) i think that the body wants to stop because of lactic acid bild up in the musles.
6)i think that an untrained person would find the gradual incline with jog recovery difficult because they have not been trained to recover while they are moving.
i think an untrained person would find the the steep hill circuit difficult because hill sprints are to tirering for an untraind person.
By Luke Rowan 10s
1. It started to hurt and ache and you felt tired.
2. Because your body wasn't use to these types pf training.
3. The steep hill, because it was fartlek training.
4. Fartlek, because you: walk, jog and sprint.
5. Becuause it was hurting and it wasn't use to this type of training.
6. Because their body would hurt more and more till they stopped.
Ellie Lloyd-Smith
1. Our heart rate went up and so did our body temperature and our breathing got faster.
2. Because out muscles were using lots of energy so our heart had to work harder to get more blood to our muscles.
3. Steep hill because we had to work for harder quicker.
4. Gradual incline because you're not getting as tired and its a preparation.
5. Because it was running out of energy and was tiring.
6. Their body is not used to it so it will have to work harder.
Lucas Perivolas
1. when i started exercising my heart rate stays the stays the same for a while however my breathing becomes a faster pace than usual. I begin to get warmer and perspire.
2. The harder you push yourself the harder your organs have to work being your heart for one that has to pump blood to the areas that are being used quicker to ensure that you can keep running which tires you out.
3.I believed that the steep hill was a lot tougher than the gradual hill as you had to push yourself harder to get up the hill and although you would think that changing pace on that one would help but i thought that it didnt as it was the most tiring when you have to accelerate up the hill
4.i would think that the hill sprints would improve my capabilities in a sport as they would build up my muscles and they would also train me in the aspects my sport demands for example to sprint and then to jog and then to walk was all in the hill sprints. body wanted to stop because my brain wanted to stop and my brain wanted to stop because alot of my blood was travelling to the parts of my body that were being exercised so it wasnt getting the blood to the brain.
6.Because they both required a lot of stamina and someone with not much fitness wouldenty be able to cope
1) As soon as we started exercise our body temperature increase as well as our breathing rate and heart rate. Your temperature increases because your heart pumping faster and their is an increased blood flow.
2) Your breathing rate increases because you are moving your limbs more meaning you need more oxygen. The heart rate increases as you need to pump more blood around the body.---------------------------------------------------
3)The steep hill circuit was harder than the gradual incline with jog back recovery because with the other one you have a long recovery where as the teep hill incline consisted of three different types of running with only a short rest.
4) For the fartlek training you would use it for a competition where as the gradual incline exercise would be used for something such as a marathon. This is specificity.
5) Because we were overloading and our body needed more oxygen and our muscles were aching from the build up of lactic acid.
6) Because they have not applied the FITT principle and havnt gradually worked up to it.
Callum Agnew
1. What happened to the body as soon as you started to exercise?
As i started to exercise my breathing rate increased aswell as my heart rate.Also when i started to exercise my body temperature increased a little bit.
2. Why did these things happen?
These things happened because The blood circulation speed increased
3. Which session was harder - The steep hill circuit or gradual incline with jog back recovery?
The steep hill circuit
Why was it harder?
It was harder because it made your muscles work harder
4. Which session do you think would suit your preparation for competition?
The steep hill circuit
because it is an intival training which is better for a footballer
5. Why do you think you're body wanted to stop?
My body wanted to stop because it was getting tired and the lactive acid was building up in my muscles.
6. Why do you think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult?
They would find it difficult because they would not be fit enough to exercise for that amount of time and their body could not handle the pressure.
William Howarth Johns
1. i started taking deeper, and more frequent breaths,and my heart rate increased, i started to sweat.
2. i had to breath more frequently to supply my body with the oxygen to give me energy. and i started to sweat because my body tempreture increased
3. the steep hill was harder because it involved power, speed and stamina, but the gradual incline only involved stamina.
4. i think the steep hill would prepare me better for competition because it helps me with different aspects of my performance.
5. my body wanted to stop because i was useing more energy than my body would expect me too.
6. a untrained person would find the session difficult because there heart would work harder, there mucles wouldnt be able to cope with that much work unless they reagularly exercised.
Meesam mirza
PE homework
1. As soon as I started to exercise my breathing started to get heavier, I started to feel pain in the muscles of my legs, my heart started beating faster and my body temperature was getting warmer because I also started to sweat.
2. These things started happening to me because I was overloading the body.
3. The session that I found the hardest was the steep hill circuit because sprinting up the hill was very tiring, my chest was hurting and my legs were hurting as well whilst running up the hill.
4. I think that the steep hill circuit would prepare me well for competition because it would improve my speed and it would also improve my heart rate and breathing rate so I could run for longer.
5. I think the body wanted to stop because I had been overloading.
6. An untrained person would find the two sessions difficult because it takes time to get used to the sessions.
1. As soon as I started to exercise my breathing started to get heavier and my body temperature stayed the same.
2. These things started happening to me because my body was working harder than usual, but my body temperature stayed the same because of the rest periods.
5. My body wanted to stop because I had been working the body hard and I had been overloading the body.
1. As soon as I started to exercise my body temperature started to get warmer, my breathing started to get a lot heavier, my heart started beating a lot faster and I wanted to stop running.
2. These things started happening to me because there was no rest time and found it hard to keep on going.
5. I wanted to stop because there was no rest.
1. When i sarted the exercise my heart rate spde up and i found myself breathing harder and faster than normal.
1.your heartrate starts to increace rapadially the body tempurture increace by at least 20 or above temputure wise you start to breath heavarly
2. due to you putting stress on body by moving in sevral differant directon quickly runining for al long period of time
3.steep hill by runing at fast speed up a hill then walk bck down you fill like your going norwhere when runing uphill
4.steep hill bulids up your upper body for me goalkeeping for so when the football coming in my direction can save it with more force
5.because you been draning the body by doing sevral differnat type of activitys without a long period of time for breath putting stresss on the heart forceing the heart to pump at a faster speed
6. could get stricist trying strain themself in short period of time rather saving energy for the long distance runing luke neal 10w
1. When I started the exercise i found that my heart rate sped up and that i was breathing harder and faster. Also my body temperature warmed up.
2. My heart rate sped up so tht it could pump blood more quickly around my body.
3. i found the steep hill circuit harder because i was running faster up a steeper hill therefore my body was working harder.
4. I think that the steep hill circuit would be good preparation for competition because it encourages you to work hard and try and beat/catch up to those infront of you.
5. I think my body wanted to stop because of the lack of oxygen getting to my lungs, and that my muscles were working harder than they usually do.
6. i they would find it difficult because their body isn't used to it, and they wouldnt know how to pace themselves or breath properly.
1. As soon as I started to exercise my heart rate increased and my body temperature rose. My breathing became quicker.
2. My heart increased so my body can pump blood around my body quicker, my body temperature rose as more blood is being pumped to my muscles and my breathing rate increased as my body needs a bigger intake of oxygen.
3. I think the gradual incline with jog back recovery was harder as I needed to work harder on the incline than I did during the continuous steep hill circuit.
4. I think ‘Fartlek training’ would suit my preparation for competition as in my sport, Football; I undergo short sprints, jogs and rests during a game.
5. My body wanted to stop as its supply of energy and oxygen was decreasing.
6. An untrained person would find the two sessions difficult as they might burn themselves out too quickly or not have the stamina to last the whole session.
Fartlek training
This exercise was good because u was able to get your breath back after your sprints on the jog. The distance was longer for the sprints which is better and slower for the jog.
Interval Training
This will improve fitness because your trying hard on the exercise then having little rest periods.
Continuous Training
This will improve your physic because you’re doing a hard exercise with no brake because if u have a brake u will be tired and won’t want to do the exercise.
1. When I start an exercise I make a pace of what I want to do it in and that’s the same as my breathing rate. When a hard exercise like bleep test that makes my body temperature go up a lot because I am trying to go as fast as possible.
2. These things happen because it shows im trying to do an exercise good and to try and make me fitter so when I do it again I will be better at it.
3. The steep hill circuit was harder because u have to sprint up the hill many times with no brake and the hill is very long.
4. I think that the interval would suit me the best because Im quite fit and I can do hard exercises.
5. I think my body wanted to stop because I was trying hard on the exercise and I was getting tired and needed some water.
6. They would find them very difficult because they are unfit and they won’t be used to doing hard exercises.
Charlie lemmon
1. As soon as I started to exercise my breathing rate quickened, my heart rate fastened and my body temperature rose.
2. They happened because the more you exercise, the more oxygen your body needs. Your heart rate fastens to circulate more blood containing oxygen.
3. I found the steep hill circuit harder because it was a continuous run.
4. I think for a tennis competition I would use the gradual incline with jog recovery as preperation because it is a type of Fartlek Training which you use in tennis a lot.
5. I think my body wanted to stop because I was not getting enough oxygen in to my blood, then to carry to my muscles. Causing me to feel light headed.
6. I think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult because the circuits are a mix between testing your stamina and strength, and agility and speed.
1. My heart rate and breathing rate increased and my body temperature rised.
2. My body was having to work harder because i was using lots of energy.
3.Interval Training, beause you have to run for long periods of time.
4.Interval Training because you run for long periods of time, which is what you do in long distance running.
5.My body wanted to stop because it was being pushed to much.
6.Your body would not be in a fit condition to do this training.
1.I felt it harder to breathe.
my heart pumped faster and i got much hotter.
2.Because i needed to use more energy to push myself up the hill.
3. The steep Hill Session Was Harder.Because i needed to use more power from my legs to push myself up the hill.
4.Steep Hill Session.Because you'll be using more power from your legs.
5.Because my heart rate got high and i began to get tired.
6. Because you need to be fit or have power in your legs when sprinting up the hill, and you need to have a decent stamna for the jog back recovery.
Luke Karavias 10D
1. The temperature of my body went up and my heart rate got faster
2. More blood needed to be pumped around my body, that was why my heart rate went up and the reason for my temperature of my body going up was because energy was being released
3. I didn't go alexandra palace
4. I didn't go alexandra palace
5. The body wanted to stop because i hadn't done excersise for a while so i wasn't used to the intensity of the running we was doing.
6. I didn't go alexandra palace
1.As I started to exercise my breathing started to increase and my heart rate started to go up, my body temperature also started to inlcine aswell.
2.All these things happened because I started to work my muscles which made energy. This energy was slowly realised which gave off heat, this is what caused my body temperature to rise. As i worked more and more I had not had enough oxygen intake so I was breathing harder. My heart rate also rised because my heart had to work faster in pumping the oxygen around my body.
3.I found The steep hill circuit harder beacuse I had to work harder and push myself more which cuased strain on my legs goin up hill. The slow walk back didnt give me enough time to recover from the strain and my I didnt think I was up to my fittest standerds.
4.The continuous training would best fit the preperation for competition in that the sports that I mainly play make me run continuously.
5.I think my body wanted to stop mainly because it wasnt used to that much strain and intensity since a while ago. It also wanted to stop most likely because it wasnt getting enough oxygen and water.
6.An unttrainned person would fine the exercises defficult because there body including there heart would not be used to the amount of enrgy and overload put into the exercise.
James Collins
PE Homework
1. My body started getting hot, then I started to breathe more frequently, my heart also started to beat faster.
2. These things happened because my body needed to supply oxygen to my muscles this meant the more exercise I did the more my lungs had to breathe to provide oxygen to the lungs, then to get the oxygen to my muscles I needed my heart to beat quicker. As a result of these two things working harder my body temperature then went up as a result.
3. I found the gradual incline with a downhill slope at the end as the hardest exercise of the two as you had no rests to regain energy however doing hill sprints beforehand did make my muscles more tired for the continuous circuit.
4. If I was a sprinter I would prepare with hill sprints as they make it easier to run on the flat, but if I was a long distance runner I would do the gradually inclining circuit as it works your continuous ability
5. My body wanted to stop because it was uncomfortable for it having to work harder as bodies only want to do the minimum effort required for an exercise
6. An untrained person would have found the two sessions difficult because they’re heart wouldn’t be used to working hard and so would not be as strong, also an untrained person would have more fat on their body and so more unnecessary weight to run with.
Tom Stevens started to wake up/warm up my breathing got heavier and my heart rate increased.
2.because i am pushing my body to perform at its highest level.
3.the gradual incline.
3a. because my muscles used to clime a gradual incline are lss developed then the ones used for a steep incline
4. fartlek training because you dont get too tired because you gat a break and you can vary the distances. didn't but its because of lactic acid.
6.because their body wouldn't be used to lactc acid and therefore it will want to stop sooner.
chris chrstou i started to exercise my breathing rate increased and became more intense due to this my body was pumping blood faster so my heart beat increased as a result my body temprature rised
2.this happend because we were using different mucsles in our body and needed more energy to keep going
3.for me the step hill circuit was harder because i was using mucles i dont usally use and we also had a shorter recovery period were as on the gradiual circuit we wasnt going up hill and we had a longer rcovery period depends what competition if your going for sprinting then uphill would because your working mucsles in your thighs and around that area which helps generate speed whre as the circuit would help build stamina for long distance running body wanted to stop because of unfittness what happens is if you dont warm down lactic acid is left in your body which is not good for you which results in your doing overtime and leaving you felling sick
6.where there body isnt used to the training it ma
Reuben Knox
1. What happened to the body as soon as you started to exercise?
*the body starts to heat up and break a sweat.your heart rate starts to speed up and your body needs more oxygen.
2. Why did these things happen?
*These things happened becauseyoue body needs to pump more blood aroung the body that is why the heart starts beating faster.
3. Which session was harder - The steep hill circuit or gradual incline with jog back recovery?
*sir i an un sure of there types of training.
4. Which session do you think would suit your preparation for competition? fartleg training i find that that particular type of training helps me very much in keeping fit.
5. Why do you think you're body wanted to stop?your body wants to stop because of lactic acid.
6. Why do you think an untrained person would find the two sessions difficult?
gradual incline with jog back recovery when i did that exercise it was very hard and to keep going i was diffucult. breathing rate went up and so did my heart rate and my temperature breathing rate went up because my body needed more oxygen so i can use it for more energy,my heart rate went up so it can pump more blood to the parts of my body i am using when exercising and my temperature increased as a result of my heart beating faster
3.the steephill circuit was harder beacuase in the gradual incline jog you go at the same pace throughout but in steep hill circuit you go up as hard as you can and your body doesn't have enough time to recover.
4.the gradual incline wouldme for preparation for competition because it will build up my stamina body wanted to stop because of the lactic acid buildin up in my body.
6. an untrained person would find it hard because their body isn't able to cope with the exersise
Abdisamad Siad
when i first started the exercise i felt ok my breathing was ok aswell but after a while my breathing started to get harder and more frequint
Davoud qauyumi
Erik Bado
I started breathing rapidly, heart rate increast and temprature increast. the reason this was happening is because there wasnot enouth oxygen in my blood to transfer to my legs and organs at the same time.
I think the steep hill circet is harder because it gets me tierd quickly and it makes my legs ach.
steep hill circet because i play football and you need to have pace on the ball and off the ball.
my body wanted to stop because there was lactik acid making me feel sick and giving me a head ach.
it would be difficult for an untrained person to do the sessions because there heart and lungs have not adaptid aswell as a trained person.
Erik Bado
I started breathing rapidly, heart rate increast and temprature increast. the reason this was happening is because there wasnot enouth oxygen in my blood to transfer to my legs and organs at the same time.
I think the steep hill circet is harder because it gets me tierd quickly and it makes my legs ach.
steep hill circet because i play football and you need to have pace on the ball and off the ball.
my body wanted to stop because there was lactik acid making me feel sick and giving me a head ach.
it would be difficult for an untrained person to do the sessions because there heart and lungs have not adaptid aswell as a trained person.
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