1. Open the text box
2. Write your name, teacher and query.
3. Once complete, click the 'Anonymous' button and send. A member of the PE team will post a reply within 24 hours.
Please note that Messages will be published unless you request to remain anonymous.
Sam Fowler
sir, i dont understand do i have to answe all these questions and what is it for? thanks
Don't worry Sam! Mr. Mallon will take your group through this after half term. I have taken my group through it to make sure everything works.You will be given time to catch up on this work.
Mr Ibrahim
Hi Sir,
I have done the first two blogs that was assigned as homework for the JSLA class, period 4 on wednesdays but I do not understand the 3rd blog. It is Unit 1: Planning, Preparing and assisting a simple sporting activity. I have looked at the blog and noticed that only one student's comment has been published but I also noticed that the student had previously lead an ABC warm - up for our class. I could not find the question blog that you made. I understand that it is late for the inquiry but figured it's better than nothing. So my question is, should i attempt to answer the blog question although I have not planned or prepared a session or should I just leave it? Thanks again Sir.
--Elizabeth Cortez
Elizabeth, You are one of many to query this. Leave the unit 1 blog until we have discussed it tomorrow.
Thank you for being proactive in sorting this out.
See you tomorrow,
Mr. Ibrahim
aita kuniyoshi
sir, i'm probably too late but am i suppose to do unit 1 even though i haven't planed or done any session in class? thanks
Hi Aita, I hope you get this in time! Leave the unit 1 work until we have time to discuss it tomorrow. Try to get the first two questions done if you haven't already. See you period 4 tomorrow......
Ruth Collett
Hi Sir,
You said that once we've done some officiating we should do one of the units. I've done officiating for Miss Arkle but not in class, so shall I do the unit now or wait till i've done some in class?
Ruth, you've been brilliant in getting involved with the primary schools. You've had the experience so just complete the unit. You can always post again as and when you officiate in lessons
Keep up the good work.........
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