Wednesday, 14 October 2009

A-Level Support - This is for Students and Parents - Messages go direct to the PE Department

This blog is for Students and Parents who need help or advice on any part of this course

1. Click 'Post Comment' at the bottom of the page and type into the text box.

2. Write your name, teacher and query.

3. Once complete, click the 'Anonymous' button and send. A member of the PE team will post a reply within 24 hours.

Please note that Messages will be published unless you request to remain anonymous.


Anonymous said...

What do we need to revise for next weeks exam?

Anonymous said...

Although I'm not a real fan of P.E., I try my best in all the lessons I am present for. My two favourite activities so far have been creating a Haka and playing benchball by starting with our Haka. I am determined to improve in my swimming when we start doing it properly, and I do not wish to be put in another group, as I was in primary school, which led to me not developing much. Thank you.
Matthew Mulcahy
Year 7, Mr Keough's Group

Anonymous said...

Hello sir,
just wanted to know if there was a Badminton club still or not

Reece Lamy

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the Healthy and active lifestyles Task 3 but I'm confused because the powerpoint said that we need to be a concerned parent and the document said that we need to write about the positives and negatives of the results that I have found and back them up with Statistics. Which one should I do?