Monday, 11 January 2010

Year 7 Project - Healthy and Active lifestyles

As part of the work you will be doing in PE this term, you need to complete a project about the reasons why people take part in physical activity.

You will need to use your communication, written, reading, writing and analytical skills to finish the project successfully.

There are four tasks that need to be completed - You will find these on this blog.

You can give the project in as a powerpoint presentaion, a podcast, a video documentry or in a written form.

The deadline for completing the four tasks is


If you need any help you can ask your teacher or leave a message on this blog and we will get back to you.

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

this project is fun i hope we get more work this term!!! :)
i <3 sports!

Anonymous said...

my pe teacher told me i can make a film for my healthy and active lifestyles project, does this mean that i make the film including all the information as apposed to doing the tasks?

Anonymous said...

my pe teacher told me i can make a film for my healthy and active lifestyles project, does this mean that i make the film including all the information as apposed to doing the tasks?

Terri Kinnison said...

The questionnaire is clearly aimed at adults so I will work with my daughter to complete it that way, hope this will be OK

Unknown said...

sir my microsoft stopted working i will have to see u on friday at break from omar lindsay 7D

Libby said...

You know task one: The interview?
well do we just have to do one sheet of those questions asking different people, or, do we have to make 5 of those sheets and interview 5 people with 5 questions????


Libby 7A