Friday 7 November 2008

Year 10 Leadership Award Level One - 2008/2009: Unit 2 - Basic communication skills for leading a sporting activity

To make a session work, you have had to rely on communicating effectively with other people.

1. What did you do to make sure everyone understood why they were doing a task?

2. What did you do to control the group during your session?

3. How did you feel when you were giving teaching points to the group?

4. What is the main thing you learnt when trying to communicate with other people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellie Taylor

1. I explained how the skills we were using in our activities would benefit them and i explained it in a way that was enjoyable for them. e.g get them to demonstrate.

2. to control the group we decided to keep them interested by involving them and getting them to interact with each other.

3.i felt that i was passing on knowledge that i had learnt to other people and it felt that i had acheived something.

4. i learnt that it's not all about the person teaching ... but that you have to involve everyone.