Monday, 5 October 2009

Year 10 Leadership Award Level One - 2009/2010: Homework 2

In the next part of the course we will be looking at Planning, Preparing and Teaching a session.



Please write 3 - 5 most important things for you and give reasons why.


Anonymous said...

lewis chapman-allan

1)To make shore that you have what you need for the lesson,because if you dont it can take alot of time to find them or evan worse you will not be able to do the lesson

2)That the lesson is not to complacated for the group and that each person undertsnad what s/he has to do

3) Try to include a A,B,C Worm up to make shore that no one get injurys .

4) Try to make the drills you do be able to include as many people as possible so every one can be on the move .

Anonymous said...

Roman Stevenss

1. The things that i will need to think about when planning and preparing my lesson will be, what the lesson works and how it will inprove the athletes abilities. Also i can use A,B,Cas it can be applied to anything, it's a good starting point.

Anonymous said...

Amy Woff

- Making sure the drills include everyone so all students can take part

- Being prepared for the session eg; having the right equipment, having a planned session ready

- Making sure everyone understands what to do therefore having simple but effective drills

- To include ABC warm ups

- To fully understand your only session

Anonymous said...

Ruth Collett

You will need to think about what activities you will be doing and what is needed for those activities.

You need to make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to do.

Make sure the activities are not to difficult for the young kids.

Anonymous said...

Dannielle Lashley

1. Make sure its fun and not boring.

2. Make sure every one knows what they are doing and undertstand the rules so there is no cheating or arguments so its a fair game.

3.make sure you are prepaired and have all the equipment you need and have the game planned out so it fits into the time that you have to do it.

4. Make sure you include an abc warm up so people are ready to do the sport and dont injure themself

5.Make sure you have something else to do as backup so incase something goes wrong you have other idears.

Anonymous said...

Amy Thomas

-When planning a lesson I need to think about what activities I am going to do in the lesson.I then need to think about what equipment I need to use for the lesson.

-I need to make sure I include ABC in my warm up.

-I need to make sure i make the activity fun and interesting. Also i need to make sure the activity is at an ability for all.

Anonymous said...

Harvey Johnson

1. Firstly, you will need to double-check that you at least vaguely know what your talking about.

2. You will also need to make sure that you have all the equipment needed to do your lesson.

3. You will probably need a back-up plan of some sort, so that if the lesson goes wrong, you will be able to recover.

4. Make sure that the lesson is appropriate for the people you are teaching.

Anonymous said...

Leora Stpleton

1) I think that when planning and preparing a lesson, you have to you will have to research the sport or subject you're teaching to assure that you will teach it by the right rules and code.

2) Before you teach the main activity in your session, you must plan and preform a warm up that will properly warm up the muscells to prevent injury.

Anonymous said...

Joanna Clarke

1. You must try to make sure that your excersises are simple and easy to understand

2. You must include everyone and ensure that they are constantly doing something

3. you need to know what equipment you will need so you can get straight into it

4. Include an ABC warm up to get them started

5. have excersises appropriate to the sport and age group

Anonymous said...

Louis Abbott Wilson

when preparing a lesson i will need to think about:
-If the sports used includes every child.
-ensure i have the right equipment and have planned the lesson before hand.
-make sure every child understands fully what they are meant to be doing and do a demonstation as well so they can see it.
-make sure i include an ABC wrm up.
- be prepared with a variety of sports for children to do so they don't get bored.

Anonymous said...

Jasper ray Tygner

-use ABC warm ups and drills

-make all drills and exercises effective so everyone uses their full athletic ability.

-include the whole class in varios activities.

-explain each activity well, quickly and as simply as possible.

Anonymous said...

George Carroll

when planning a lesson i think that the most important things are...

1. knowing who the lesson is aimed at and working around the specific set of skills of that age range.

2. having a back up plan for a variation of that lesson if it doesn't go to plan.

3. to try and include an 'abc' warm up, focusing on agility, balance and coordination.

4. to try and make it so that everyone one is able t take part at any given time, so that no-one will have to get bored while waiting around.

5. make the odjective of the session simple enough so that everyone can fully understand it, so there will be no reason for disagreements.

these are very important parts of planning a lesson, but there are still many other things that need to be taken into acount while planning a lesson for anyone.

Anonymous said...

Leora Stapleton

1) When planning and preparing a lesson I must think about the correct warm up and made sure it is done properly and safely to avoid injury.

2) I must make sure all equipment is safe and supplied

3) How to make the activities fun, beneficial and easy to understand

Anonymous said...

katie Martinelli

1)Make sure that the lesson is suitable for the age group that you are teaching. the ability level is correct.

2)make sure that the instructions are quick,clear and simple to understand

3)make sure that the lesson is clear and simple enough so everyone understands

4)use ABC warm up so that there are no injuries

5)make sure there is an activity for someone to do all the time so no one gets bored

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Cortez

1. You need to be prepared which includes having all equipment needed to run the session effectively e.g. cones, ropes, balls or jerseys. If you don't come prepared you waste valuable time getting ready and you put unecessary stress and pressure on yourself and waste the childrens' time.

2. You need to have a clear idea/plan of what you want to do with the children in the lesson. Again, if you don't come prepared with the lesson you waste yours and the childrens' time.

3. You need to make sure that the exercises that you want to do are basic and easy enough for the children to do and they should be fun for them as well. Otherwise they will get confused and frustrated and then bored, then you'll have to deal with a class of rowdy kids because they will have lost their concentration.

4. You will have to know what you want the children to have achieved by the end of the lesson by planning a fun and effective session. If this dosen't happen, the kids may feel like they haven't accomplished anything and this is not what you want.

5. Another thing that may help to have an effective session is to have an ABC warm up to get the kid's heart rate up and their muscles warm to avoid any possible injuries.

Anonymous said...

Harvey Johnson

To create a lesson you will need to make sure you include the A,B and Cs as part of your session.

It would also be good to have a backup plan of some sort just in case the session is going badly.

You will also make sure that you know the sport you will be teaching well.

Make sure that the drills are clear if you are yeachibg s younger group of children.

Anonymous said...

Aurora Roelofs
1. I need to make sure them ain of the lesson is accessable to children of all abilities.

2. I should try to make sure the lesson has a clear and coherent massage.

3. I should think about making the activities relevant to my message and sport.

4. I need to consider combining all these factor with making the lesson fun.

Anonymous said...

aita kuniyoshi

1)make sure that I have right equipment so that no one waste their time looking for them

2)include A,B,C warm up to make sure no one gets injury

3)make the activities simple and interesting so that no one gets confused and enjoy doing the session

4)have a plan B,just in case something happens during the session.

5)try to include all the kids in the group so that no one get bored waiting for their tern

Anonymous said...

Joe Higgins

- Make sure you have all the right equipment for your warm up and drills. So your not stuck with not enough equipment to them.

- Make sure in your warm up you include A, B and C

-Make sure your lesson is suitable for the age group your teaching

-Make sure you understand it so you don't get confused

Anonymous said...

charlie freeman

1. to have all the equipment that i need for the lesson

2. to try to include an ABC warm up

3. to try and get all of the kids doing things so they are not standing around at any stage.

4. make the activity easy for the kids to understand

5. have a back up plan incase it's not working

Anonymous said...

Joe Moody

1. Yoe need to make your session fun and exciting, so everyone enjoys it and doesn't get bored half through.

2. You need to include the skill related components of fitness in your warm up.

3. You need to include everyone from the group so no one is on there own or left out.

4. You need to make sure your prepared for the lesson by having the equipment near and pre set up.

5. You need to make your game links to your warm up. Your game shouldinclude the aspects of the sport you were looking at in the progression.

Anonymous said...

Joanna Clarke
for the session today are we allowed to use netball hoops on the astro turf for our prepared lessons?

Anonymous said...

Tom Hodge-Sellers

1. Make sure that the lesson is challenging but safe and the lesson is suitable for the age group you are working with.

2. To have the equipment necessary for the lesson and have planned the warm ups, focuses ect.

3. Make sure the group understands the session and what they need to do.

4. Include the ABC warm ups

5. Make sure you have a ruff backup incase everything goes FUBAR.

Zhila White said...


When planning a lesson, i'll need to use organisational skills to create a lesson for everyone; to consider the different levels of ability.

Rachel Joiner said...

1. Make sure it is challenging
2. Ensure that safety comes first at all times
3. Make sure it is fun and exciting, the kids want to join in.
4. The children are never left alone, and you have planned something to do at all times.
5. make sure you have at least a rough idea of what you are going to do if you have planned an outside lesson and it rains, you have an alternative.

Maud Cooper said...

Maud Cooper


When planning a lesson you will need good structure. Without structure the lesson will be choaotic and counter productive.

I will need to start with an exciting warm up to help the children get excited about the lesson, trying the incorparate the ABC.

Then a good main activity. Making varieation for different students of different abilities.

Then a Cool down.

Also, to make sure all equipment is ready.

Zhila White said...

When planning a lesson i'll need to use my organisation skills to create games suitable for young children.

I will also need to consider the different abilities and make sure my lesson covers all those levels.

I will have to ensure all equiptment is used safely and responsibley.

No one should be left alone. I will make sure everyone participates in all activities.

Also, to make sure the children are pushing themselves challengingly.

Anonymous said...

Alice Goodchild

1. I need to keep in mind the abilites of the children , so that i dont plan a lesson that is too difficult or easy for them

2.To keep the lesson fun , they need to be motivated without that the likely hood of them concentraiting is small.

3.I need to include the abcs (agilty , balance and cordination)

4. I have to make sure i have the correct eqipment

Anonymous said...

Sukey Jones

1. Include ABC warm-ups at the beginning of each lesson to ensure each child is fully ready.

2. Ensure each activity is easy to understand so every child can participate and take part.

3. Make all activities and drills fun and exciting for the appropriate age group aswell as at an ability to suit all.

4. Health & Safety - Ensuring noone get's injured.

Anonymous said...

Alice wigmore

1)To make sure that i have all the equipment needed for the lesson.

2)To make the lesson enjoyable,include simple activitys and ABC warm up's.

3)To involve the whole group in the session.

4)To have a prepared lesson plan.

Anonymous said...

lucy wigmore

i would need to think about:

1)the ability of the students so i dont make the lesson too hard or too easy.

2)making sure that i ahve all the right equippment that i would need to teach with and that its in good condition,i.e not broken.

3)to include a ABC warm up that isn't going to take to long , thats fun and thats warms up the students so they dont injur themselves.

4)making sure that i give clear instructions so that they not only do i understand , so that they understand as well.

5)make sure that all the teams work togetther and that no cheating occurs and if it does ,i deal with it so that its fair.

Anonymous said...

Laura free

1.You need to make sure, that you have made a lesson plan before so you know what you are going to do when it comes to teaching the lesson.

2.Safety is vital-stretching before is very important.

3. Include A B C's in the lesson.

4.The lesson has to be basic and fun.

Anonymous said...

Alisha Hardy

The things you would need to think about when planning and preparing lessons are:
1. Health & Safety to make sure noone gets injured.

2. Include the ABC'S, so the children can improve on a variety of skills

3. To make sure all the drills include every child, so they aren't left out and so you can move on quickly.

4. Make sure the drills are suitable for the age group. make sure you know the ability of the group you're teaching.

5. Being prepared for the lesson, with the right equipment and a fully planned lesson.

Anonymous said...

aita kuniyoshi 2nd post

make sure my activities are suitable for the pupils in session

Anonymous said...

Lizzie Norton

-The lesson is challenging but still suited to the childrens level of fitness.

-The lesson is planned well so I know what to do and when.

-I have the appropriate equipment ready beforehand.

-The lesson is fun and interesting to the children.

Anonymous said...


Kika Adamou

When planning and preparing for a lesson you will need to think about...

-making the drills good so everyone can do them

-being prepared with all your equiptment

-making sure everyone knows what they should be doing

-for everyone to know the aime of the session

Anonymous said...


Please write 3 - 5 most important things for you and give reasons why.

I think the things i will need to think about and consider when planning a lesson are...

-Whether the lesson fits the
ability of the children you are
teaching, so it is not to
complicated for them.

-To make sure i understand what
i'm supposed to be doing and
what equitment i need for the
lesson, to avoid stress while

-To include an ABC warm up at
the begining.

Anonymous said...

Leah Forde

1)To make sure the lesson is not to complicated and unambiguous so it is easier for the children to follow instructions.

2)Try doing the ABC warm up so they are ready for the following games etc.

3)Make sure all equipment is prepared and ready for the lesson and takes a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

Megan Horsfall

1) You need to make sure you have appropriate equipment for the activity.

2) Need to make sure the instructions are clear.

3) It needs to be fun and creative.

4) It needs to be flexable for students of different abilities, but also needs to push students so they can develop even further.

5) I need to include the ABCs in the warm up and the activity. And also include a cool down.

Anonymous said...

George Carroll

when planning and preparing a lesson i think that the most iportant things to keep in mind are:

1. targetting the appropriate age range of the people who will be participating in the lesson.

2. making sure that the lesson co-orporates either many different or targetted components of skill related and health related fitness.

3. making sure that the session incorporates a warm up, main activity and cool down.