Monday, 5 October 2009

Year 10 Leadership Award Level One - 2009/2010: Unit 3 - Principles and practice in delivering a basic health and fitness session

It is important that you understand the advantages of why people will take part in regular activity on a regular basis.

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity?

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity?

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important?

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet?

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem?

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive?


Anonymous said...

Jake Fawcett

1.people do exercise to stay fit and healthy.

2.the issue of the lack of exercise is that people are becoming obeise.

3. it means you can concentrate harder, less likely to have health problems and it makes you feel good to be healthy.

4. you cant do lots of things if you cant run or do anything properly and its good to be healthy.

5. encourage my generation to stay healthy and have a good diet.

6.make the school canteen food healthy, have posters around the school and outer school activities.

Anonymous said...

Ben Cary

1.People take part in sport regularly to stay fit, to look good and to prove to themselves that they can.
2.The current issues are that people aren't doing another sport and becoming overweight and obese
3.Having a healthy life style is important because when you are healthy you are happier and you can live longer.
4.You will die younger and increase the chance of health problems
5. I can encourage people to exercise regularly and to have a healthy diet.
6. They could give out free fruit and increase the amount of P.E lessons for each year.

Anonymous said...

Eric Ryan-Inkson.
1. Mostly to stay active and healthy but they may want to find freinds or challange themselves mentally.
2.Many children are obese aswell as many adults.
3.It is important to have a heathy lifestyle because you will live longer aswell as your body being fit and strong.
4. The long-term disadvantage of smoking is a build up of tar in your lungs which can cause cancer. Long term consequences of drinking is that liver is damaged. A high-fat diet is very bad for you, you gain weight, cauese heart diesase, clots the arterys and it is linked to diabetes.
5. We can raise awareness through sport particepation and inform the children of the consequences of smoking, long term drinking and a bad diet.
6.Get more children involved in the programme.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moody

1. People take part in regular exercise becuase its enjoyable and they want to stay fit and health.

2. The current issue in society is if people are not exercising regularly and eating a fatty diet, they will become unfit and obese.

3. Having a healthy life-style is important becuase you live longer if your healthy. You also have more energy and can enjoy life more easily.

4. The long-term disadvantages are that you will become unfit and obese. You will not be able to esercise for long periods of time and have a greater chance of dying eraly.

5. As a young sports leader i can encourage people to stay healthy and live a healthy life-style.

6. The school could promote this by handing out leaflets to the pupils or by having a theory PE calss on this.

Anonymous said...

aita kuniyoshi

1.people take part in sport regularly to stay healthy and improve their fitness

2.the currunt issue in society is that many children are not doing exercise regularly and became obese as well as adults.

3. having healthy lifestyle is important because it makes people feel better, less likely to have health problem and can live longer.

4. it increases the chance of health problem and dicrease the amount of exsecise a person can do.

5.i can incouridge young people to exercise regularly and inform the effect of smoking, drinking and having unhealthy diet.

6. school can increase PE lessons in each year, increase sport activity to get more people involved and make canteen food healthy or hand out healthy food.

Anonymous said...

1. To keep fit and healthy and also to meet new people at sports clubs.

2. More and more younger people are becoming obeise and its becoming a real problem

3. So you can avoid illness and have a longer life

4. You have a very high chance of having health problems and you will finder harder to participate in sporting activites

5.Encourage healthy eating and exercise

6. Have more p.e lessons, hand out leaflets and assemblies on healthy eating

Anas Manoli

Anonymous said...

1. Because people like to regularly excersise to keep healthy and fit.

2. Because people are becoming unhealthy more people are becoming obeise.

3. Having a healthy life style is important so you don't become obeise you have a long and enjoyable life.

4. The long term effects are ilnneses e.g lung cancer, liver failure. And also becoming over-weight.

5. Explain to people make it more known how eating unhealthily causes bad long term effects on people.

6. To promote healt for self they could have posters around the school. healthy food in the cafeteria and teachers making it aware.

Anonymous said...

Sam Fowler Q 1-3

1. People take part in regular sporting activity for three reasons. Firstly, Physical - People want a state of bodily well being like fitness. Also they want to improve their sport. Secondly, Social - to have fun with friends, or to meet new friends, they myay be influenced by their friends to participate. Lastly - Emotional - they do it because the sport makes them feel better or more accomplished. some people participate for a state of relaxation.

2. For the same resons people participate are the same reasons people don't. Physical, because people think they can't because of their physical state. Some people are lazy and don't put the effort in. Social, some people think that it is not popular to do certain things or they don't want to do things with people they don't know. Or it could be frowned upon in certan cultures. Emotional - people lack self confidence and think that they will not excel. Or there may be a personal reason that discourages them from participating.

3. Having a healthy life-style is important for your health as you are less likely to get serious illnesses. Also people feel better and there are more oportunities.

Anonymous said...


1. so they can stay fit and become healthy.

2. There's a lot of overweight people in this society which do no exercise.

3. because you live longer aswell as you become healthy.

4. the long time disadvantages are cancer and obeisety.

5. encourage people to stay healthy and live longer.

6. make leaflets and put up posters.

Anonymous said...

Tom Hodge-Sellers

1. People find it easier to excercise when there is a routine and schedule that they have to keep to.

2. The issue is that with modern technology it is easier to get things without effort, so people are naturally becoming obese.

3. You will find it easier to focus and less likely to have health issues.

4. You increase the risk of health problems and fatality at a younger age.

5. I can encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle to te best of my ability and at every opportunity.

6. They could promote more after school activities and try to teach children to be active and creative in lessons. Also promote other activities not involved with the school.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Collett

1. People will take part in regular sporting activity to stay fit and healthy, to interact with people and be social.

2. Many people are avoiding physical activity. This is leading to a rise in obesity levels. People are unfit and are not living a healthy lifestyle.

3. Having a healthy life-style keeps you fit and healthy. It makes you happier, increases your life expectancy and your body is generally in a good condition.

4. Smoking, drinking and have a high-fat diet can all contribute to problems in your heart and other organs. It makes you unhealthy and puts you at a disadvantage.

5. Encourage other young people to take part in physical activity and sport. Be enthusiastic about what you're doing.

6. Encourage everyone to take part in sports clubs ect...

Anonymous said...

Amy Woff

1) People take part in regular sporting activity for three main reasons. Physical factors: Regular exercise maintains fitness levels and increases life expectancy. Social factors: Exercise provides chances to make friends and take part in friendly competition. Mental factors: Sporting activity boosts confidence and self esteem.

2) A large percentage of people, especially young people, are overweight which puts their health at risk.

3) A healthy lifestyle is important to ensure you are fit and healthy and don't put yourself at risk of any unnecessary diseases.

4) Smoking, drinking and having a high fat diet all increase the amount of cholestrol in your system. This can build up in your blood vessels and form blood clots which lead to heart attacks and strokes.

5) Encourage participation in physical activity at a young age which would set a child up for a healthier future.

6) Promote the extra curricular activities and clubs more to encourage students to take part.

Anonymous said...

Joanna Clarke

1. People take part in sporting activities for several reasons. Firstly for the physical benefits: keeping fit and healthy. Socially: to have fun with friends and meet new people and for emotional reasons: to boost confidence, raise self-esteem, learn new things.

2.Many people, young people especially lack regular exercise and fitness either because they are too lazy, too unconfident or don't like interacting with others. Rising obeisity levels contirubte to a lack in physical activity.

3. Having a healthy lifestyle is important to mantain your fitness and good body condition,therefore increasing life expectancy and helping to avoid unecessary health problems. Also it helps you emotionally, giving you goals and confidence to give you more oppertunities and a better, happier state of mind.

4. Smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet all increase cholestorol in your blood which can lead to unwanted health problems like heart disease, heart attacks or strokes which can seriously damage your life and even cause death.

5. I can encourage young people to take part in physical activity, promote excersise and be enthusiastic about what I'm doing so they feel motivated and engaged.

6. It could promote more school sports activities and clubs and promote oppertunities outside of school too.

Anonymous said...

Dannielle Lashley

1. So that they can stay healthy and fit and maybe they enjoy it.

2. Bad health and obeasity.

3. it keeps your body healthy as more resistant to illness.

4. all there can lead to death smoking can cause cancer . drinking can cause liver damage. A high fat diet can cause seriouse health problems such as diabities.

5. Encourage people to do more sports and make it interesting so people feel more influenced t do it. Find a sport suitable for a person.

6. Have more healthy food in the canteen or arange more sports clubs and activites for students to get involved with.

Anonymous said...

Lizzie Norton

1- It's important for people to take part in sport as it is a fun and effective way of exercising and keeping fit.

2- The amount of overweight and obese people is rapidly increasing.

3- Having a healthy lifestyle means that you are less likely to encounter health issues later in life.

4- The chances of you encountering health problems when you're older will increase.

5- Encourage children to participate and enjoy the sports they do, therefore they are more likely to continue with them later in life.

6- They could raise awareness about the problems of having an unhealthy lifestyle and increase the quality of school food. They could also make sure everyone knows about extra-curricular sports activities that they can take part in at school.

Anonymous said...

Amy Thomas

1.I think people take part in exercise to benefit mental, social and physical factors which include, keeping fit, reducing strees, and meeting new people.

2.At the moment, not enough people are taking part in physical activity which is leading to a rise in the number of overweight and obese people and also a rise in people with type 2 diabetes.

3.Having a healthy lifestyle is extremely important to saty fit and healthy and increase life expectancy.

4.The long term dissadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a highfat diet are multiple problems with your cardiovascular and respiratory systems aswell as other problems with your vital organs.

5.I can help promote a healthy lifestyle by showing the benefits and advantages to staying fit and healthy.

6. The school could encourage all students to join extra-curricular activities as well as making sure all students take part in P.E at least twice a week.

Anonymous said...

kyah sisulu

1. to keep fit and by seeing people that may be large and not wanting to be like that. to have a nice body and be atractive.

2. people eat alot and exercise less.

3.because being healthy can help you feel better and live longer.

4.smocking damages your lungs and can cause cancer. drinking can damage your liver and cause liver cancer and eating a fatty diet can clog up your ateriese , none of these things are worth doing when they have these effects.

5. let young peolple know what smocking drink eating to much fatty food ect. does to their body and letting them know what they can do to stop these habbits and what they can do to keep fit.

6.they can do alot more i dont think they really do anything. they can make sure people no what the sports after school or lunch activities are.insstead of leaving up a one piece of paper hardly anyone will look at.


Anonymous said...

Dilan Hirli

1) i think people will take part in regular sporting activity to keep healthier and fit and to look good.

2) The current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity are becoming overweight and obese

3) Having a healthy life style is important because you ciuld concentrate better and will live longer.

4)The long term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet is you will increase the chance health problems which will cause you to die.

5) As a young sports leader to help solve this problem i will, explain to them how if you eat unhealthily it prevent them from doing things and cause many things. I will also encourage young people to take part in activites and doing exercise.

6) The school could increase the amount of p.e lessons each year and hand out leaflets.

Anonymous said...

Dondu Ocak

1) People will take part in regular sporting activities becuase, everyone wants to do exerise and keep fit at all times.

2) The curent issue in society is many people are becoming over weight which is causing obesity.

3) Having a healthy life style important becuase, you would have more chance's of living longer and you also woudnt catch diseases so often.

4) The disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet are that they could cause many different types of illnesses and diseases in various parts of your body. And these could keep you back from doing alot of other stuff.

5) As a young sports leader i could encourage children and adults to eat healthy food more often and to have a balanced diet, i could also help them to do much more excerise so they could keep away from smoking and drinking.

6) School could make canteen food more healthier, have more p.e lessons and give more opputunities to people who are interested in doing excerises. They could also give more information to children of all the impacts they could face when not being healthy.

Anonymous said...

Adrienne Webster

1) If they enjoy the activity they will want to get better and be the best they can be. Also, regular fitness makes you healthier than doing it less regularly.
2) Sometimes schools doin't teach a sport as well as they could be taught, and the students aren't encouraged to play again. In most schools free sports clubs are available for students, but out of school there aren't many clubs for people, old or young, at least not many that are advertised to all the public.
3) Having a healthy life-style is important to stay fit and healthy, and often builds up a person's self-esteem as well as physical appearence. Having a healthy life-style has many benefits and gives a person many more benefits than having a unhealthy life-style.
4) The long-term disadvantages of having an unhealthy life-style are very serious and often life-threatening. For example, drinking a lot can often cause cancer of the liver, smoking increases the chance of lung cancer and having a high-fat diet not only makes you over-weight and less able to do many things, but also gives you a highger risk of heart disease. All aspects make you likely to live a shorter, unhappier life.
5) As a young sports leader we have a chance to make younger generations be more active and get involved in sports at a young age. By running or helping with more sports clubs, making younger children or people the same age as ourselves, we can change many people's aspects on sports and exercise and help a younger generation become healthier and fitter.
6) make sure children take part in at least one extra-curricular activity and encourage them to eat a healthier diet at home, as well as serving healthier food in the canteen or lunch hall that are available for students.

Anonymous said...

1.People mostly would want to stay fit and healthy.

2.Most problems are people being overweight and could become obese.

3.So you can stay healthy and active.

4.You can have health problems e.g. heart disease which will have a big impact on your life-style and would have higher chance to die younger.

5.Encourage people to be more active and have haelthy diet.

6.Have assembilies to talk younger people about the current issues and what they can do to change this.

Anonymous said...

Leora Mansoor

1) To keep healthy and fit

2) Obesity and heart disease

3) To maintain a good quality of life

4)They can lead to heart problems and disease. Cancer and liver failure is a high possibillity.

5)Inform the public of these risks and suggest appealing ways of comabting them.

6) Promote and provide fun and effective ways of keeping healthy and fit.

Anonymous said...

1. generally people get involved in regular physical activity to keep fit and healthy and, to have fun and to meet new people.
2.A concerning amount of our population are doing less physical activity causing obesity to rise which in turn increases levels of heart disease and diabetes.
3.A healthy life style improves and personaL health and general quality of life. It keeps you better resisted to diseases and allows you to feel better with in yourself.
4.The long term disadvantages of drinknig, smoking and a high in fat diet are a lack of fitness, possible obesity and a high risk of diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer and liver disease.
5. I can help solve this problem by helping younger kids learn about the risks in an unhealthy life style and pressue schools to improve the diet and physical activity in the curiculum.
6.The canteen can improve the lunches further, extra curicular activities can be promoted more and compulsury physical activity can be increased for a longer time.

Anonymous said...

Bircan Gunal

1) people do exercises to stay fit and healthy and to have a balanced diet.

2)the main issue is that people dont do sports. and they become obese and ill very often.

3)having a healthy life-style is very imporatant, because you are less likely to develop illneses. and feel healthy.

4)you wouldnt be able to run.

5)giving people advive and maybe even help.

6)make the school food much healthy, and put on posters.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Cortez

1. I think people take part in regular activity to stay healty and to stay fit and to also avoid disease and complications of health later in life.

2. Currently in society there are many issues regarding lack of physical activity. For example, many people have an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle due to an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise therefore leading to obsiety.

3. A healthy lifestyle is important because it helps to avoid complications regarding health later in life and also helps to develop a strong body.

4. Smoking, drinking, and a high - fat diet lead to many health problems and even death at a young age.

5. As a young sports leader I can encourage others to stay fit by starting an activity, particulary one that they enjoy and making sure that they follow through with it. Also, I can make sure that they have a healthy diet and lifestyle.

6. They could introduce healthier food options in the school cafeteria at lunch and create more sport clubs for pupils to be able to join in order to stay healthy.

Anonymous said...

1. Because they may enjoy taking part in the sport or they want to become more healthy

2. Many people are not doing enough exersise and have a poor diet resulting in obbeseity

3.Having a healthy life style means that you will be likely to live longer and have less of a chance of having life changing diseases.

4.Smoking damages your lungs , drinking to much achole damages your liver and a high fat diet causes strain on your heart.

5.They could encoruage people to do more sports and lead a more healthy life style.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive? They could make healtiher meals cheaper than other foods and that they could create more sport activites for all year groups.

Alice Goodchild

Anonymous said...

Taran Adamson

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity? I think people take part in regular sportif activity because they enjoy doing and want to stay fit and healthy.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity? People are choosing to over eat and then not burn it off, as a result they become obeise.

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important? You are less likey to have health issue's and you feel alert and healthy.

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet? It could potentially lead to heart problems or cancer. You become so unhealthy it's hard to ope with everyday life things.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem? Encourage my peers to do regular physical exercise, through assembly's, handing out leaflets and generally just talking about it.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive? The school could organise activities after school and out of school. They could also put up posters around the school promoting healthy activity.

Anonymous said...

Maya Bovill

1. I think peoepl take part in regular sport activity to keep fit and healthy, but also because to enjoy it. Like a hobbie.

2. The current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity are that many more people are eating unhealthily and not exercising enough. There are more and more ways people can choose to move around without exercise like cars and so people dont bother. Lots more fast food places are available with fatty foods.

3. It is important to maintain a healthy life style so that you keep fit and healthy meaning your less likly to develope diseases when your older.

4. The long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet are being very unhealthy causeing things like heart disease, diabetes, obeasity and cardiac arrest.

5. As a young sports leader to help solve this problem i can encourage the generations younger then me to exercise regulary and have a healthy diat.

6. The school could have healthy food sold with common exercise regiemes.

Anonymous said...

Laura Free

To keep fit and healthy.

You're less likely to develop a health problem, you'll stay healthy and live longer.

There is an increased chance of health problems and you could die younger

I could encourage younger children to do more excersise and eat a healthy diet.

The school could make healthy school meals, after school sports clubs could be set up, posters could be made to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Evie Lewis
1. to stay fit and healthy and it can also be really fun and satisfying to know its good for you

2. people are eating badly and not bothering to do regular excersise

3. because if you are healthy now it will be beneficial in your future

4. increases the chance of health problems in later life

5. encourage sport and regular excersise and make it seem fun

6. canteen food healthy and have loads of good after school activities that everyone knows about and are welcome to.

Anonymous said...

Eleanor Sandler - Clarke

1. People will take part in excercise to saty fit and healthy also because it's enjoyable

2. Children and adults alike are becoming increasingly over weight and suffering many health problems related to weight issues

3. A healthy life style is important because being unhealthy and/or overweight causes long term serious health problems

4. Smoking causes such things as lung cancer and effects your stamina

5. I encourage people to stay fit and healthy

6. The school could make presentaions about the effects of unhealthy eating so people are truly aware, also make the food available in the school healthier

Anonymous said...

Evie Lewis
1. to stay fit and healthy and it can also be really fun and satisfying to know its good for you

2. people are eating badly and not bothering to do regular excersise

3. because if you are healthy now it will be beneficial in your future

4. increases the chance of health problems in later life

5. encourage sport and regular excersise and make it seem fun

6. canteen food healthy and have loads of good after school activities that everyone knows about and are welcome to.

Anonymous said...

lucy wigmore

1)i think its important to undertake regular exercise because many health problems are caused by being unfit, so you can avoid these by doing exercise.

2)people will take part in sports because they enjoy it or like to keep healthy while having fun.

3)because it can lengthen your life span and help your body overall and prevent certain diseases.

4)the long term effects of these bad habbits are degenerating health ie. lung cancer, liver disease and heart disease, these are the three main problems caused by drinking, smoking and eating a high fat diet.

5)as a young sports leader i can encourage the younger generation eat healthy, take part in regular exercise and avoid bad habbits such as smoking.

5)the school could give more lessons on the effects of drinkin gand smoking and make sure everyone does pe .

Anonymous said...

Shannon Alesha Carey

1. I think they will because they will want to keep more fit and healthy.

2. That more and more people are doing less exercise each week, and are becoming more and more unhealthier and fatter.

3.Because it doesn't just make you stay slim but it also keeps your heart and other organs healthy.

4.That your breathing becomes harder, Your liver becomes weaker and you are'nt as healthy as you should be.

5.To encourage people to exercise anf to be more healthy.

6. Put posters around the school, Cook healthier foods and discourage fatty and unhealthy foods and drinks.

Anonymous said...

Alexandra Williams-Matias

1. So they can become fitter which will decrease the chances of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Also it can be enjoyable.

2. Obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

3. It decreases the chance of health problems, you can concentrate better and you feel happier.

4. Smoking permenantly damages you lungs as well as having a higher risk of lung cancer. Drinking affects your liver and high-fat diet makes you fatter which can lead to obesity.

5. I can help and encourage kids to join clubs which are fun but also help you stay fit. Also teach them that having a healthy diet is good for your body.

6. Advertise sports activities in and out of school, but advertise activities for girls and boys. The canteen could have a healthier choice of food and drinks and there could be lessons teaching how important a healthy lifestyle is.

Anonymous said...

Astrid Kitchen

1. To remain fit and therefore healthy as this will benefit them in later life.

2. Many young peopl are not getting enough excercise and their diet is poor and this can lead to obesity.

3. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle as then you are less likey to become obese and there is less chance of you gaining illnesses realted to lack of excercise.

4. The long term effects of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and a high fat diet are damages to your liver lungs and heart attack. All of these risks can lead to an early death.

5. I can help young people to remain fit and encourage them to remain healthy.

6. The school can provide examples of what could happen if you do not remain healthy from peoples personal stories as that will seem most personal and belivable.

Anonymous said...

Alisha Hardy

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity?
Because it keeps you fit and healthy, and it can be fun too.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity?
Obesity levels are now rising due to lack in physical activity, because fat builds up in the body if you don't excercise. Also diabetes is becoming alot more common in young people.

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important?
It is improtant because serious health problems can occur if you don't have a healthy, balanced diet and don't excersie.

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet?
They can all have serious effects on the health. For example, smoking increases the chance of lung cancer, drinking too much effects the liver and having a high fat diet can cause many problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem?
I can help children to engage in sports from a young age. If you teach them in an enjoyable way, they'll feel like they want to do it as opposed to having to do it and this will encourage them take part in sports in their own time, not just at school

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive?
They could have more P.E. classes per week, have healthier food in the canteen and run cumpolsory health and fitness theory classes

Anonymous said...

Ruth Martin

1. To keep fit and healthy, have fun and get a sense on achievment.

2. Lack of motivation and people becoming overwieght.

3. To keep your body healthy and improve concentration.

4. Your body and health will suffer greatly and you will increase you chances of having health problems.

5. Encourage people younger than me to get involved in sporting activies.

6. Have more healthy options in the canteen such as fruit and vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Josie Grant-pyett

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity?

To keep fit and healthy, also to blow off some steam and feel better about themselves.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity?

People are eating more than they used to and have less exercise due to transport and no longer having to walk much. By becoming lazy people are less willing to do exercise and so obesity and unfitness have blossomed in the past century.

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important?

Having a healthy lifestyle prolongs life and keeps your body functioning properly.

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet?

Smoking causes blackening of the lungs, which can lead to cancer. It can also affect breathing and make your teeth yellow.
Alcohol damages your liver and can lead to cancer. it also goes into your bloodstream and can affect your brain.
A high-fat diet can lead to problems with the heart; slowing it down and raising your blood pressure. It also makes you put on weight.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem?

I can lead by example and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive?

Offer free healthy snacks at break.

Anonymous said...

Esme Robertson

1. To keep healthy and to get fit, which makes them feel better.

2. Some issues in society caused by lack of activity include obesity.

3. Because without a balanced diet, people can become unhealthy and get ill.

4. You can get diabetes and have many health problems, eg. heart disease, heart attacks.

5. Encourage people to be more activity, promote a wide range of sports, and make them enjoyable.

6. Encourage students, and do it in lunch aswell as class.

Anonymous said...

Kika Adamou

1. People take part in regular sporting activity to stay fit!

2. The current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity is people are becoming obeise and unhealthy

3. Having a healthy lifestyel is important because it means you are more likely to not get health problems

4. The longterm disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high fat diet are things like cancer and diabetes.

5. As a young sports leader i could encourage healthy eating and regular excercise.

6. The school could put posters around school and improve school lunch.

Anonymous said...

Alice Goss

1. They exercise to to stay fit and healthy and most of the time enjoy it too.

2. Children from a very young age or becoming obese and it's then very hard for them to lose the weight.

3. Its helps you a lot on a day to day basis. Keeps you awake and helps you concentrate.

4. Long-term smoking increases your chances of getting cancer and blocks your air passage-making it harder to breath. Drinking can damage your liver. A high-fat diet can clot your arterys putting pressure on your heart and causing a heart attack.

5. Teach other children about the serious effects of smoking, drinking etc. And encourage more exercise

6. Serve healthier food and make people more aware of the effects. Also have more of a variety of activities after school or at lunch time.

Anonymous said...

Megan Horsfall

1) People take part in regular sporting activity because they want to stay fit and want to have a healthy lifestyle.

2) People are not taking part in regular exercise which leads to an un-healthy diet and to being over weight.

3) It increases your health and stops you getting ill and you can live longer.

4) It increases the chance of health problems and you can die younger.

5) Inform them of the risks and encourage them to stay healthy and have a good diet.

6) Healthy food options and encouragement, also setting up more after school clubs with a wide range of sports.

Anonymous said...

Cadeen Samuel

1)I think people will take part in regular activity on a reguler basis, due to the fact that if they are told about the fitness procedure then they would be aware of the benefits.

2)The current issues in society is that there is alot of fast food resturants and transport whereas people could balanace their diet by choosing a bit of every thing to eat and also having a bit of exercise to turn fat into muscle keeping you fit and healthy alll at the same time.

3)Having a healthy life style is important because then it gives you longer to live and doesnt cause you that much health problems.

4)Mainly heart attack and you are not only affecting yourself but those around you too.

5)Involve them in as much students as you can in some sort of sports activity and educate them on how to have a healthy and balanced diet.

6)Make sure that the school did a presentation during assembly or registration time.

Anonymous said...

It is important that you understand the advantages of why people will take part in regular activity on a regular basis.

Rachel Joiner

1. It could be to do with their personal health and wellbeing, or if they really enjoy a sport and want to take it to a professional level, finally it could be because they find it helps them reduce stress after a long work-day or to socialise with friends.

2. Obesity is becoming a lot more common, more and more in younger people. Lots of people are getting diabetes and heart problems to do with an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

3. It means you live longer, have a better quality of life while you are living as you are able to meet the demands of the environment better. Finally when you are healthy and doing exercise you are happier.

4. You have an increased chance of lots of health problems from cancer, to cirrhosis of the liver or breathing problems. You are less able to meet the demands of everyday life and the environment.

5. I can encourage young people to join in P.E lessons, do extra curricular activities by making them fun and available to everyone.

6. Encourage everyone to join sports clubs, make it more important to join in compulsory P.E lessons and make sure everyone is aware of the clubs available.

Anonymous said...

Eric Ryan-Inkson
1.People take part in exercise for social, physical and mental reasons. For example, you may take part in sport to make friends, to become fitt and healthy and maybe to gain confidence.
2. Many people are obese in society down to bad diets and lack of exercise. This could lead to diabetes and other illnesses.
3. To decrease the chance of illness and makes paricipants feel good, by doing things for themselves.
4. The disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high fat diet consist of the fact that there is an extremely high chance of heart disease and other illnesses, a high-fat diet could make one obese and stop one from taking part in a sport they love.
5. I could try to solve this problem by possibly organising fittness sessions among society.
6. Get more people involved in the programme.

Anonymous said...

Jack Tully

People do exercie for a number of reasons. One to keep fit and healthy. Second to meet new people. Thirdly to enjoy a new experience.

The main reason is that too many people are becoming obese and un-fit.

Having a lifestyle is important becuase then you can stay healthy, less likely not to be able to concentrate and not having any health problems that may effect you in later life.

All three can cause serious health implications, like cancer and the like.

You are always active, playing sport, training and coaching.

Nothing, there are so many sport clubs it is just the fact that some people cannot be bothered to turn up.

Esme Robertson said...

1. So they can keep healthy, and get fit.

2. People get obese and get heart problems. Furthermore people get cancer and lung problems from smoking.

3. It makes sure you will not have health problems in later life, and it may help you live longer.

4. You may get cancer, heart disease, or liver problems.

5. Promote healthy activities and start lunch clubs for activities such as football, netball and badminton.

6. Put up posters around the school, and have introduce it in food tech lessons.

Maud Cooper said...

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity?
To stay fit and healthy. Also, to make you look good and feel better.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity?
Obesity is rising in the UK and causing levels of Type 2 diabetes. This is a dangerous disease that can kill.

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important?
You can live a longer and happier life.

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet?
You may die younger and have longterm health probelems such as heart disease.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem?
You can educate children not to make these mistakes.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive?
Get more children involved in sports and excerise.

Anonymous said...

Daisy Webb

1. To stay healthy and keep fit and feel good about themselves

2. Obesity in society caused by lack of excerice

3. So you're keeping fit, and staying healthy

4. you can develop cancers, your liver can fail and you can become obeise.

5. Encourage friends to stay healthy and fit.

6. Have a range of sports and activites.

Anonymous said...

Leah forde

1.People take sport to stay healthy and fit.

2.There is a lot more technology that society get addicted to and forget about health and exercise.

3.Having a healthy lifestyle improves fitness and physical health.

4.The long term disadvantages of drugs and high-fat diets are bad health and it can shorten life expectancy.

5.Keep people occupied by doing sports and other things that contain outdoors exercise and give them something to do.

6.The school could give more encouragement and give them advantages and the bad effects of bad diets.

Zhila White said...

1. People want to keep fit to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so regular sporting activity is necessary.

2. Many children aswell as adults are obese and eat unhealthy fatty foods.

3. Healthy lifestyles usually mean a happier and longer-lived life.

4. Yu could die younger, get lung cancer and your chances of getting heart disease is increased.

5. I can offer activity groups and encourage people tp live fit and healthy lifestyles for an ultimately better life.

6. The school could demonstrate the consequences if you don't live a healthy life.

Anonymous said...

Serafina Taylor

1. People should be aware of the social (more friends), emotional (look better) and physical (feel better) benefits of sport and sporting games are fun for most people.

2. The finacial strain of society has a enevitable effects on the funding of sport and people are reverting to cheap fast food and are not able to afford a gym membership to counter balance their diet, which is leading to obesity.

3. Having a healthly life-style will improve one's life expectancy and improve one's quality of life.

4. smoking has a negative effect on the lungs and can lead to cancer.
Drinking has a negative effect on the liver.
A high fat diet can lead to obesity and heart disease.
All three put extra strain on organs, which make exercise more difficult.

5. As a young sports leader I can encourage others to join in with sport and help other with an interest to learn by coaching or referring to people who can coach them.

6.More promotion and advertising, such as posters could be published around the school.

Anonymous said...

Joe Higgins

1. People will take part in regular sporting activities for mental, physical and social reasons. Such as: being happy, staying fit and making or keeping friends.

2.People can go overweight and obese with a lack of exercise.

3. Having a healthy lifestyle is important so that people can be happy and fit. Also, so they don't go overweight and have health problems.

4. The long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet a re serious illnesses that can kill. Such as: Lung cancer, liver damage and heart-attacks.

5.As a young sports leader you can make sure people exercise to help make the risks of these activities smaller.

6. School's could promote this by making food served at the school healthy and in some lessons show the risks of eating junk and high-fat foods.

Anonymous said...

joe eva johnstone It is important that you understand the advantages of why people will take part in regular activity on a regular basis.

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity? so people can keep fit and stay healthy.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity? some people financially struggle to take part in sports

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important? if you dont keep fit and healthy you will have health problems and rick of obeise

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet? your cancer increase off illness e.g Heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes etc.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem? encourage people that sport is good and it keeps you fit ,healthhy and active.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive? make the school canteen food healthy and less sugery products.

Anonymous said...

jake broadley It is important that you understand the advantages of why people will take part in regular activity on a regular basis.

1. Why do you think people will take part in regular sporting activity? so people can keep fit and stay active.

2. What are the current issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity? some people find it hard financially to take part in sports

3. Why is having a healthy life-style important? if you dont keep fit and healthy you will have health problems and risk becoming obeise

4. What are the long-term disadvantages of smoking, drinking and having a high-fat diet? your cancer increase off illness e.g heart deseas, diabetes etc.

5. What can you do as a young sports leader to help solve this problem? encourage people that sport is good and it keeps you fit ,healthy, and active.

6. What more could the school do to promote a 'Health for Self' drive? to make the school cateen food more healthy and less sugary products.

Anonymous said...

George Carroll

1. People do exercise to become and keep fit and healthy

2. the issues in society regarding the issues of lack of physical activity are obesity, diabetes and other conditions

3. because leading a healthy and active lifestyle improves your qualtiy of life and is better for your body and mind

4. obesity, bad health, lung cancer, other diseases and death

5. i can get more people into regular physical activity at a young age

6. get better and healthier lunches and promote sports clubs in school and the local area

Anonymous said...

charlie freeman

1. i think people do exercise to stay fit and healthy

2. the issues in society regarding a lack of physical activity today are that people are becoming a lot fatter.

3. so you don't have any health problems in the future. you are also a happier person

4. you could die younger or have serious health problems when your older.

5. encourage my friends to stay healthy and have a good diet.

6. make the food from the canteen healthier and to have more p.e lessons a week for each year.

Anonymous said...


1. People take part in sports to keep fit and healthy, to keep in a good physical condition and maybe it is a way of socialising with others.

2.The current issues regarding the lack of exercise is that people are becomin unfit and obese.

3.Having a healthy lifestyle in my opinion is extremelly important. Not only can it help you live for longer and fight off disease, it can also open your eyes to oppurtunities in sport that you didn't know would work for you.

4.Well there are many problems. All three can leave yoyu with long lasting affects, like cancer and damge lungs and kidneys. This will also affect you ability to do sport, tiring easier and not being able to do as much.

5.Being a sports leader can really help influence others. Making sports interesting, puttting a new twist on sport can really get more people involved so they can become fit and healthy aswell.

6.I think this depends on if you are willing to work. If you want to put the time and effort in then it's a grwat idea. If you don't then it wont really work. Maybe influence people with harsh realities and shcok people.