Wednesday 5 November 2008

Year 10 Leadership Award Level One - 2008/2009

Congratulations for successfully signing up for the course.
You will have been given your log-book by your teacher.

The first section needs you to think of what you want to achieve and write comments on how you plan to do it.

1.What do you want to achieve on this course?
2.What skills do you want to develop?
3.What do you need to do to develop these skills?

If you are not sure leave a message for us or your friends and we may be able to help.



Anonymous said...

1. We want to achieve teaching skills which will help us in later life when dealing with important situations.

2. I=We want to develop the skills to be able to teach a group and use authority appropriatley.

3. To develop the skills we will need to complete the course to the best of our ability.

Charlie, Nik and Iliya.

Anonymous said...

Herbie Lomas

1.On this course i would like to learn how to develop my leadership skills and learn(thouroghly)how to create a game suitable for kids aged from 5-14. I plan to do this by listening to the teacher and learning from his teaching skills. Also, i would like to get better at controlling people that i am teaching.
2. Leadership Skills and my Game Creation skills.
3. Pay attention in class and listen INTENTLY :)

Anonymous said...

Arthur and Ellie

1. Ellie: In this course i would like to be able to understand what children would like to be taught. I would also like to be able to pass my skills on to other people and learn about myself as a teacher on the way.

Arthur: in this course i would like to put right the wrongs that the minority of teachers have shown over the past few years.

2. Ellie: the skills i want to develop is being able to talk to children and try to understand them on a level. I would also like to improve my teaching skills.

Arthur: the skills i would like to improve is the ability to teach and talk to children.

3. Ellie: i would have to be patient and concentrate in order to ahieve these things.

Arthur: i will have to be calm and patient so that i can achieve what i want.


Anonymous said...

Karl mc.packham
1. i want to learn how to control small children without being rude. aswell as this i want to learn how to be in charge of of 20+children and not be putting them in danger. communication and leadership skills.
3. i will need lots of practice and to be trusted to have a go at new things.

Anonymous said...

Noa Krikler
1. I want to do the course because it would be a really good thing for my cv
2. I want to be able to work well with other people who are alsdso in charge
3. To do this i will have to take into consideration other people

Anonymous said...


1. I wouuld like to learn the skills to be able to have control of the kids and make there learning time as fun and productive as possible. Also i would like to learn how to plan a full lesson proprely.

2. I would like to develop my communication and leadership skills. Also my skills on how to be able to teach kids.

3. In order to be able to develop those skills I must be focused during all lessons and enjoy myself throughout the course

Anonymous said...

brett martindale-durning

1.i think that this corse will help me in the future because it will be a good thing to have on my cv

2.this corse will help me understand what children work well with

3. by listening to there points of views, to see what they enjoy

Anonymous said...

Benjamin jarman

i would like to achieve eventually the certificate at the end of the course and develop my leadership skills as i might need them in the future is i find my self in a buisness situation. and to develop these skills i need to pay more attention in the lessons im taught and do the class work to the best of my ability as well as pushing myself in the practical lessons

Anonymous said...

Erik Bado

what I would like to learn from this corce is how to communicate and deal with younger kids. and also how to teach better and to show my leadership skills to the children.

I would like to develope my leadership, planning and teaching skills.

suport, and good teaching from my teacher.

Anonymous said...

Bessie Morrissey

1. I want to do the course because it will look good on my CV.

2. It will be useful for developing communication and leadership skills.

3. To develop these skills I need to be considerate and reflective.