Wednesday 5 November 2008

Year 10 Leadership Award Level One - 2008/2009

In the next part of the course we will be looking at Planning, Preparing and Teaching a session.



Please write 3 - 5 most important things for you and give reasons why.


Anonymous said...

you will need to think about how many people there are in your class; and think if your lesson plan will be suitable for the amount of children. You need to think about the age range of your children and how you can make it enjoyable/interesting enough for them.

Arthur and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Noa Krikler & Brett.

We think we would need to think about:
1 What the next activity is
2 Making sure everyone's involved
3 Keeping an eye on the time
4 Make sure the lesson is interesting so, the students wont get bored

Anonymous said...

The pupils that we teach thoughts and reactions to what we say. Also whether our activities keep them entertained, and to make sure they are learning something.

Ben.T and Lucas

Anonymous said...

Herbie Lomas

1. The feelings of the people i am teaching. Because otherwise i might offend someone by accident.
2. The Physical ability of EVERY student i am teaching. Because otherwise, if i assume someone can do something, they may become injured.
3. Punishment issues. Because if someone has not followed instructions, there a safety issues and there could be an accident :)
4. Remember to reflect on the lesson, so you can make sure that the student's have learnt what you have wanted to learn.

Anonymous said...

Ellie l-s, Maisy and Sophie

We think we need to think about:
* People's safety
* Inclusion
* Fair play
* Possibilities of things going wrong
* The amount of time we have
Thanks Sir For Your Excelent tEACHIN :)

Anonymous said...

1. What I want to achieve in the JSLA course is being able to express my skills of the sport which I love to other people who are interested in Athletics which is the sport I love. I am gratified to have the chance to be able to teach people on how to improve on certain and important skills for them to be able to be better in their performance.

2. The skill/s I would like to develop which are very important to the course are:
being patience;
having nearly total control of the session;
and being very creative and practical.

3. In order for me to improve the desire skills, I must take control of the session. I can also be imaginative and pratical by carefully planning the session well in advance. And for patience, just be patient.

Mervin Reebye.

Anonymous said...

Bessie and Ellie N.G

1. you will need to think about the age group you are teaching.
2. The main theme of the lesson so each skill is linked to the main activity.
3. The amount of children involved.
4. Making it as fun and interesting as possible.